Chapter 85

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Jay's POV: As I stand in the kitchen making some eggs for me and Erin, I smiled when I saw Matt come out of the bedroom. "Hey man, you want some eggs?" Matt laughed when I asked him that. "Can I have two sunny side up? Gabby wants some egg sandwiches. English muffins, cheese and mayo?" I nodded and agreed with him. "In the fridge. Mayo in door, English muffins are in the drawer with all the bread." Matt agreed with me when I said that, smiling at me as he went to go grab the stuff that he needs. "So, you just going to relax in bed together?" Matt nodded. "Yeah. I just want to run my hand all over Gabby's nice body. The pregnancy turns me on." I laughed when he said that and just agreed with him. "Same for my girl over there."

Turning around, Matt saw Erin and smiled. "Hey Erin, sorry I didn't see you." Erin laughed when Matt said that. "It's fine Matt. I am just reading on my iPad anyways. This mom needs to get some medication for morning sickness." Matt nodded and agreed with her. "Jay, I will give you a list of food to avoid making while she's pregnant. I mean, I only had to do it for a while but...Antonio gave me a list." I nodded when he said that and just laughed as I went to walk over to the fridge. I then went to show him the list that Antonio gave me. "You mean this list?" Matt just laughed when I said that and smiled at me. "God, that is funny." I nodded and agreed with him. "So, what are you guys doing today while me and Gabby are resting in bed together?"

I looked at Erin when he asked me that because we hadn't exactly talked about that yet. "What do you want to do Erin?" Erin looked at me and sighed. "Honestly, I was thinking of looking for baby stuff but...I can wait a while until we are past this a bit. Maybe we can do it online." I nodded and agreed with her when she said that. "I wouldn't mind starting the search." Matt then laughed. "Believe me when I say this, you want to start NOW. Severide ordered something online yesterday. He said that it won't be here for like 2 weeks and he has Amazon Prime." I was shocked when he said that. "Wow, and that is supposed to be the fast service." Matt nodded and agreed with me when I said that. "Yeah, so we are going to start looking for stuff starting now."

I agreed with him when he said that. "Uhm, I will see where I can make room." Matt bit his lip when I said that. "We can wait until we have a new place." I sighed. "No, do it while you can get it." Matt nodded and agreed with me when I said that before smiling at me. "You guys are the best, you know that?" I smiled and just blushed at him. "So, what are we doing? You going to be here for a while?" Matt sighed. "I am going to talk to Gabby about it today. Mind getting us the number for your landlord? If we can get a place here that'd be nice." I nodded when he said that. "I will send it to you okay?" Matt smiled and agreed. "Uhm, if we are not out of you mind if we do our OB/GYN appointment here? We are trying not to go to the hospital if we..."

I nodded and agreed with him. "Of course you can. But listen, back to breakfast. You take pepper or anything in your eggs?" Matt shook his head when I asked him that. Going to put the English muffins in the toaster, he then went to grab a knife for the mayo. "I put salt on them though." I nodded and agreed with him. "I can just leave them plain then." I nodded and agreed with Matt when he said that. "Sounds good. But listen, since we are all here...we should do cards or something." Matt sighed and shook his head. "I want Gabby to rest right now. Remember, her aneurysm burst and we are a little scared right now when it comes to her pregnancy." I then realized that and just agreed. "I am so sorry Matt, this is just a little hard to navigate I guess."

Matt laughed and agreed with me when I said that. "Listen, I just want to mention something about us maybe living here...we are going to hang out. Sorry but I am going to need some interaction with people other than over the phone." I laughed when he said that. "Oh, I understand that. Maybe you can stay here for a while and we can have babysitters." Matt shook his head when I asked him that. "Oh no, you do not ask us to babysit...may I remind you that we are having TWINS!" I nodded when he said that. "How are you feeling about that?" Matt smiled as he went to keep making Gabby breakfast. "Yeah, I am excited about it. One of the names we already picked is Matteo Andres Casey." Erin laughed when he said that. "God, that's crazy."

Erin agreed with me. "Wait, where is the Andres coming from?" Matt then sighed. "My best friend Andy Darden." I nodded and just went to rub his back. "I am so sorry man. I know it's hard." I agreed with him. "I was his Lieutenant when he died so that's always been hard on me." I nodded when he said that. "You still dealing with it." Matt nodded and then bit his lip. "It's hitting me harder recently because of the fact that I am going to be a dad." That's when I heard Gabby come out. "We are going to talk about that when you are in bed okay?" Matt turned to look at her and nodded. "Thanks, I want to talk about it too." Walking over to him, Gabby went to wrap her arm around him and then rubbed his back. He then went to kiss her and smiled.

"I promise, I am going to talk to you about it. Just go to the washroom and then relax okay?" Gabby nodded when Matt said that before smiling at her. She then went to walk away to the bathroom while I looked at Matt. "You thinking about your friend recently?" Matt nodded when I asked him that and smiled. "I still haven't told his widow/my godsons about our child yet. I think I should call them sometime." I nodded when he said that. "God, I just realized that...I haven't told Mouse yet that we are married or that we are expecting a child together." That's when I heard someone knock at the door before yelling at me. "DID I JUST HEAR YOU SAY THAT I AM GOING TO BE AN UNCLE!!!!!" I was confused when I heard that. "Uhm, can I let him in?"

Matt nodded when I asked him that. "Yeah, go ahead. If you trust him, I trust him." I nodded and agreed with him as I went to go walk over to the door so that I could see my old military friend.

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