Chapter 67

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"It's not official yet and Natalie are back together." -Will

Jay's POV: When Will told me that he and Natalie might be getting back together, I was shocked because that was not the news that I had been expecting to hear. However, I couldn't be happier for him considering I was the one who screwed them up in the first place. Definitely not going to make that mistake again. "I promise man, I am going to keep you out of any investigations this time around." Will laughed when I said that. "You better. I want to marry her this time around." I agreed when he said that. "So, are you guys dating or are you going back to engaged?"

Will laughed when I asked him that. "We are not even back together yet man. Can you please slow it down? Can I make her my girlfriend again first?" I agreed with him when he asked me that. "Of course. You keep me posted on what's happening with the both of you. I am rooting for you to get married sometime soon. Being married, I can tell you that it is the best thing in the entire world." Erin smiled at me when I said that and went to turn my head. Kissing me, she smiled as she took it slow with me. "I love you." I nodded and smiled when she said that.

Will then went to remind us that he was till on the line. "Okay, I am still here guys. Calm down." I nodded and agreed with him. "So, what does this mean for living situation? Are you guys going to take it slow?" Will laughed when I asked him that. "I am going to follow her lead. But I have this feeling that we are going to be living together so that she can keep Owen safe. Not like we haven't lived before. But let's just say that Crockett is not happy with me. He had a thing for Nat and was trying to get with her. We got back together right when he was going to make his move."

I laughed when he said that. "Well I am glad that you snatched her up man. I know that you have always had regrets since I caused you guys to break up." Will agreed with me when I said that. "Yeah, yeah I did. I am just glad that we agreed to put them behind us." That's when I heard Natalie in the background. "Who are you talking to Will?" Will then went to speak to her. "My brother. I hope it's okay that I told him we are back together?" Natalie agreed with him. "Of course...and we are back together. I am glad. However, stay out of investigations!"

Will agreed with her when he said that and then went to talk to me. "Of course Natalie. I am just starting some lunch for Owen. Want me to help him with his school after? We can switch out of you want." Natalie shook her head. "Not yet, I want to figure it out first so that I can explain to Helen how it works. She is going to be taking care of him during our shifts if that's okay?" Will agreed with her. "Of course it is." That's when I went to remind them that we are on the line with them. "I think this is a conversation that you guys can have when we are off the phone."

Natalie laughed and agreed with me when I said that. "You are right, sorry. I am just thinking about all of this though. A lot on my mind." I agreed with her when she said that. "Heard that Matt got released." Natalie agreed. "Yeah, Goodwin sent me home after I did an operation on her at their place. They are recovering there. They didn't transport her to the hospital. But, they are actually having twins!" I was shocked when she said that. "I will definitely send my best to them. Or should we not since that is technically patient confidentiality stuff?" Natalie then gulped.

"Yeah, best not to say anything yet. I will shut up now." I just laughed when she said that and smiled. "I am sure that Antonio is going to share the news. But wow, she's okay right?" Natalie agreed. "Yes, she is fine. Now onto other are you guys doing?" I then bit my lip and looked at Erin. "We are expecting actually." Natalie seemed thrilled for us. "Congratulations! How far along do you think you are?" Erin bit her lip. "We just took the test. We can't be that far along. We just wanted you guys to know so you guys don't come over I guess?" I agreed.

Will understood where we were coming from. "Of course man. I get that you want to protect Erin and your baby. Congratulations man! You are going to make a great dad."  I smiled when he said that. "I hope so." Erin then went to grab my hand and just smiled at me. "You are going to be a great dad. I promise Jay." I nodded and agreed with her when she said that before leaning in and going to kiss her softly. I then proceeded to kiss her hand and just smiled at her. "I love you." Erin nodded and smiled when I said that. "I love you too. However, I do want to rest after that."

I just agreed with her when she said that. "You want to go lay down in bed and I will be right there?" Erin nodded and smiled when I asked her that. Getting up, she moved to kiss me and just smiled. "I love you. See you soon." I agreed with her and just smiled when she said that. "Pregnancy already making her tired?" I agreed with Will when he asked me that. "Yeah so, we are going to go rest in bed. I am so happy for you guys. Maybe you can book some time off and we can go to the cabin for Easter or something?" Will agreed with me. "Sounds good. Later."

I agreed with him and just smiled when he said that, going to hang up so that I could go join Erin in bed. Getting up, I just smiled as I proceeded to make my way to our bedroom.

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