Chapter 70

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Matt's POV: Once Gabby finished putting her underwear on, I smiled as I went to go grab her a bra. However, Gabby didn't want to wear one and I loved that idea. "God, you are such a tease." Gabby nodded and agreed with me when I said that. Smiling at her, I went to kiss her before going to sit down in bed while just wearing my boxers. Gabby then went to go put her bra down as she smiled at me before coming to get close to me. Sitting up in bed with me, Gabby put her hand on my chest and just smiled at me as I went to rub her arm. Stroking it with my thumb, I couldn't help but smile at the sight of my beautiful wife as she slipped her legs in between mine.

"You comfortable." Gabby nodded when I asked her that and just smiled at me. "Extremely." I smiled and nodded when she said that before going to kiss her softly. That's when I heard Antonio come into our room and just smiled at the both of us. "Wow, you guys do look comfortable." I nodded and agreed with him when he said that. "That's because we are. What do you have for us when it comes to a snack?" Antonio smiled as he carried over some vegetables and dip for us. "You need to eat healthy for the pregnancy." I nodded and agreed with him when he said that. "By the way, I didn't hear you stay. I thought you guys left a while ago?"

Antonio bit his lip. "I decided to stay so that I could make it up to you guys. I feel so horrible for what I did to you guys." Gabby nodded when he said that. "I know Antonio. But I am okay now. I promise." Antonio smiled and agreed with Gabby when he saw that she wasn't wearing a bra as the covers were at our waists. "Oh, sorry sis." Gabby shook her head. "It's okay Antonio, I am glad that you brought me a snack." Antonio smiled and agreed with her when she said that. "Of course you are. I am going to stay for a while okay? I'll be back with some supper. You need rest and I feel like I have to make it up to you guys." I nodded and agreed with him. "No complaints."

Antonio laughed when I said that and just smiled at me. "I doubt you will. Just don't complain when I bring in Gabby's favorite dish that I made for her whenever I visited her in Puerto Rico." Gabby turned her head when he said that. "You are going to make me that spicy pasta I like?" Antonio nodded and agreed with her when she asked him that. "Of course I am sis, whatever you want." Gabby smiled and agreed with him when he said that. "God, you are such a great brother." I smiled and just nodded when she said that. "Great brother-in-law too." Antonio smiled and just nodded when I said that. "Maybe I can get my godfather status back?"

Gabby bit her lip when he asked her that. "I will think about it Antonio. Remember, you have a lot to do before we can even talk about that. Remember, you almost made me and Matt loose not only our baby but...each other." Antonio then bit his lip when she said that...him coming to the realization that he almost killed his sister. Going to grab Gabby's head, I went to kiss her forehead softly and just sighed because I knew that she didn't want to make him feel bad. "Antonio, I am sorry if that makes you feel bad's the truth." Antonio nodded and agreed with me when I said that. "No, you are both right. Listen, enjoy your snack okay?"

Watching Antonio leave, I sighed and then looked at Gabby. "Okay, can I first say that I agreed with everything you said?" Gabby nodded when I said that. "I heard a but coming..." I sighed and agreed with her as we both went to grab some of the carrots and dip that Antonio brought us. "But, you don't think you are making him feel a bit TOO guilty Gabby. I mean, he had to watch you almost die. I know that picture is never going to leave my head. It's probably engraved in his skull just as much as it is mine. Listen, I am not saying that I forgive him...because I don't. What I am just saying is that...we can't just hold onto this Gabby. It'll destroy our family if we do."

Gabby just looked at me when I said that and then went to grab my hand. "You are right. Thanks for reminding me of that." I smiled when she said that. "Gabby, I am here to help you okay? I am here for whatever you need. And right now, that is to relax. You are on bedrest for a while. That means we can do a bunch of shopping. Yes, I am on bedrest too but...I want you to be on bedrest for a while Gabby." Gabby nodded and agreed with me when I said that before going to take another bite of her carrot that she was eating. "You were really scared weren't you?" I nodded and agreed with her when she said that. "I almost lost my wife, so yes I was freaking out."

Gabby nodded when I said that and just smiled at me. "Yell, I am here and I am not going anywhere." I nodded and agreed with Gabby when she said that. Leaning over her, I went to kiss her softly and just smiled at her. "God, I am going to hold you in my arms when we are done eating our snack and just kiss you slowly for a while okay?" Gabby nodded and smiled when I said that. "That sounds perfect and exactly what I want you to do right now." I smiled and agreed with Gabby when she said that. "Good, because that is what I want to do as well." Gabby just laughed and smiled when I said that. "We can talk at the same time right?" I smiled and agreed.

"Something specific that you need to talk to me about?" Gabby nodded and sighed. "After okay? I just want to eat right now." I nodded and agreed with her when she said that, going to eat our snack before talking with her.

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