Chapter 68

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Jay's POV :
Once I finished talking to my brother, I smiled as I came to join Erin in our bed since she wanted to take a nap. Stripping off my shirt as I walked into our bedroom, I saw her taking off her shirt as well while standing at the end of our bed. Going to walk up behind her, I smiled as I went to wrap my arms around her waist and then moved my hands to her stomach. Erin smiled when I did that and proceeded to put her hands on mine. "God, I love it when you hold me like that." I smiled and agreed with her when she said that. Watching her turn around in my arms, I just smiled at her as I went to step close to her. I then went to kiss her and smiled because I already knew that Erin wanted me to just hold her in bed for a while. Setting my shirt down, I just looked into her eyes and smiled at her. "You want to get in bed first?" Erin nodded when I asked her that and just smiled as she proceeded to go get in bed before me to get comfortable.

Just looking at her, I smiled before going to slip into bed with her. Wrapping my arm around her, I smiled as I felt her cuddle up to me in bed. "God, talk about a lot of changes happening because of COVID." Erin nodded when I said that and just smiled at me. "Good changes though?" I nodded when she asked me that. "Hey, of course they are good changes. Last time I checked, we were married and expecting our first child together." Erin smiled and agreed with me when I said that. "I still can't believe that is happening. It makes me so happy." I nodded and agreed with her when she said that before looking down into her eyes. "Me too. I just love the thought of having a little one of you. However, I could do without the sass and bossiness." Erin then went to slap my chest when I said that. "Hey, watch it! Remember that I control the sex." I agreed.

"Oh believe me, I know that you control the sex in our relationship." Erin just nodded and smiled when I said that while I went to go wrap my arm around her back more. Kissing her forehead, I smiled at her because I was still getting used to the fact that not only was Erin my wife...but we were expecting our first child. "You know, I should really call the National Guard. I wonder if they can give me an exception because you are pregnant." Erin sighed when I said that. "Yeah, I hate to say this but...I was thinking about that too. As scared as I am for you to get court martialled...I am also scared of you catching this and bringing it home to me and our child." I agreed with her when she said that before smiling at her. "You want me to make a call and see if I can get off?"

Erin bit her lip and sighed when I asked her that. "I am not sure honestly. I am just scared of you getting court martialled. Are you really willing to take that risk?" I shook my head. "But, I will if it means protecting you and our child Erin. There is nothing more important to me than your health as well as the health of our unborn child." Erin nodded and agreed with me when I said that. She then proceeded to climb on top of me and smiled as she bent down to kiss me softly. "You want to do it now or are you going to wait a while?" I bit my lip when she asked me that. "You want me to do it now while you are still awake?" Erin nodded when I asked her that. Moving to grab my phone from my pocket, I just took a breath and sighed since I was nervous.

Laying down on my chest, Erin went to kiss my chest and just smiled as she tried to give me reassurances that she was on my side. And honestly, it was exactly what I needed right now. I was nervous while doing this and I just hoped that I could get out of it. Going to open my contacts, I proceeded to find my military contact so that I can try and get out of my duties based on Erin's pregnancy. If I can keep her and our child safe, that I am going to try my best to do just that. God, I hope they understand and don't give me shit for this. Putting my phone up to my ear when I hit his number, I proceeded to start the process of taking to something about this exact topic. 

20 Minutes Later after Jay's Conversation with the Illinois National Guard:
As I finished talking to the Illinois National Guard about my deployment and Erin's pregnancy, I felt so much relief that they understood that me and Erin were expecting. God, this was such a relief. I really didn't want to have to expose Erin to COVID if I didn't have to. Just looking at her, I saw her biting her lip because she was obviously nervous. That's when I went to smile and just nodded. "We can consider it vacation." Erin was shocked when I said that. "WHAT!" I smiled and just agreed with her when she asked me that. Going to kiss her softly, I smiled at her because this was probably the best news that we could have right now. "They understand...pregnancy."

Erin just smiled when I said that and then went to lean over me. Putting her hands on the top of my chest, Erin went to kiss me and I just smiled as I went to grab her neck. "Wait, are we going to tell your dad or should we hide it from him?" Erin bit her lip when I asked her that. "If he comes here this week, we will tell him and say we still want next week. However, I want to say off for the next two weeks like we originally planned." I nodded and agreed with her when she said that. Going to grab her neck, I smirked as I went to kiss her neck softly. "God, I just want to take you in my arms again." Erin nodded and smirked when I said that. "Not happening. We are resting."

I nodded when Erin said that and just smiled at her. "Who knew that you being pregnant could be so helpful when it comes to getting out of my military duties." Erin laughed when I said that and just smiled at me before going to kiss me softly (again). "I love you...but do not expect any extra sex because you are out of this. I want to just relax and take some time together to celebrate this." I smiled and agreed with her when she said that. "Maybe we can go out for a while. Maybe go to the cabin?" Erin bit her lip when I asked her that and I could tell that she was nervous. "Erin, it was just a suggestion. We don't have to go if you don't want to." Erin nodded and agreed with me when I said that. "I guess I am just a little nervous when it comes to COVID."

I nodded when she said that. "You going to tell your brother that you aren't working at the hospital anymore?" I sighed when she asked me that. "I didn't even think about that. I will send him a text later. Right now, I want to just hold you in my arms and take it slow with you because I love you." Erin laughed and smiled when I said that. "Oh, you do now?" I nodded and smiled when Erin asked me that. "What can I say? I am madly in love with my gorgeous wife." Erin just smiled and agreed with me when I said that before going to kiss me again. "God, I love you so much." I nodded and agreed with Erin when she said that, taking it slow with her as we held each other close in bed.

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