Battalion 25

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"What's this about you two being married?"  -Hank Voight

Jay's POV: When I saw Hank standing at our door, I just sighed and turned to look at Erin. "Did you give him the code?" Erin bit her lip when I asked her that. "Jay, I..." I shook my head and just sighed. "Yes Hank, we are married. Now, you are not supposed to be up here." Hank just crossed his arms when I said that. "They just implemented a resident-only policy here at the condo. So, that means no outside visitors are allowed." He then sighed when I said that. "For COVID?" I nodded. "Yes, and that is why me and Erin got married." I then turned to look at Erin.

"I want to go through this as her husband...I don't want to just go through this as her fiancé. Hank, you do realize that you can't be at the hospital in case of emergencies? I am going to be there and I am going to need the power to make decisions in case of emergencies." Erin looked at me when I said that. "That is why you wanted to get married." I nodded when she said that. "I wanted to have the power to protect you and honor your wishes babe." Erin nodded and agreed with me when I said that. She then went to reach in my pockets to grab my keys. "I love you."

I nodded and smiled. "Listen, how about you go inside...put the leftovers in the fridge and then you go wait for me in our bedroom? I am going to talk to Hank." Erin nodded and smiled when I said that. She then went to hug me and just smiled. "See you soon." I nodded and agreed with her as she went to unlock the door to our condo before going to walk in. Meanwhile, I just looked at Hank and sighed. "Go ahead, yell at me." Hank sighed. "You are crazy Halstead. I could kill you right now." I nodded when he said that. "Then go ahead, make your daughter a widow."

Hank shook his head. "But I won't. Ever since you and Erin got together...she has had a spring in her step and has been the happiest I have ever seen her. So, I am not going to kill you yet!" I just gulped when he said that. "You break her heart or give her are a dead man walking." I laughed when he said that. "Yeah, she literally said the same thing if I cheat on her." Hank laughed and agreed. "Oh, that too. But first, you get a special visit to my interrogation room." I gulped when he said that because I knew he used that room to torture people.

He then nodded when I said that. "Hank, I love her and I want to be hers forever. Hank, who knows what could happen. I didn't want her to die as my fiancé if any of us got COVID. Think about it, aren't you a little happy that we are married? Plus, you can blame Matt Casey for putting this idea in my head. He's the other one who got married today." He laughed when I said that. "To Antonio's sister....I know." I nodded and agreed with him. "He put the idea in my head, I recommended it and we acted upon it." Hank agreed and smiled at me. "Good, now be safe."

I smiled and agreed with him. "You know this is forever right? She gets me in a way that nobody else ever has. She understands my PTSD and everything." Hank nodded and agreed with me when I said that. "That's really why I married her too. Hank, I have never found someone who understands my PTSD. So, I had to stop stringing her along." Hank just shook his head. "Jay, shut up. I understand, I approve and I want a vow renewal so that I can walk my daughter down the aisle." I agreed with him. "Okay, let's just see how long this lasts okay? We'll see okay?" Hank agreed.

"However, I just want to say this....if she gets pregnant, you do not come to visit. In fact, you should stay home and protect yourself. Hank, it's for the best." Hank sighed when I said that. "You guys can be my proxy at the district." I laughed and agreed. "Antonio's coming back." Hank was shocked when I said that. "Oh is he now?" I nodded. "Yeah, his sister's pregnant with her husband Matt Casey's baby so...he is moving back for her pregnancy. He might re-join the unit." Hank agreed and smiled when I said that. "Listen, I trust you Jay. Sorry, I am just shocked."

I nodded and agreed. "And kinda impressed. I mean, you are gutsy! You literally married my daughter with me not being knew it would make me mad, and you still had the nerve to do it. Jay, you are fit for this family." I laughed and agreed with him. "Thanks Hank." Hank nodded and agreed with me. "Still, you break her heart....I will torture and kill you!" I gulped when he said that and agreed with him. "Uhm, I may take her to the Cabin to get away from COVID okay? I will let you know when." Hank laughed and agreed. "Take the week."

I was a little shocked when he said that. "You mean it?" Hank nodded and agreed with me when I asked him. "Yeah. Once you get your CPD laptop you can come back to work from home." I nodded and agreed with him. "I will still do footwork when required. Maybe we can just do it virtually for now. I think that's the best. Less people at the district the better. Plus, I could really use a break from Platt. Ever since COVID started....she is especially bitchy on days when her husband is working at the firehouse." Hank nodded and agreed with me. "Good, you saw it too."

I laughed and smiled when he said that. "I will talk to you later okay? Right now, I want to go celebrate the fact that me and Erin are married. I promise, she's my one and only. Talk later Hank." Hank nodded and agreed with me when I said that. Smiling, I went to walk into me and Erin's apartment so that we could have a little fun while we celebrated the fact that we were (finally) husband and wife.

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