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'The Knife'

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'The Knife'

Kosa and Lizzie had stayed the rest of the night in the antique shop, Kosa showing Lizzie weird magical/cursed objects. Kosa would never admit this but she checked her phone hoping a certain unnamed tribrid would text, spoiler alert she didn't. Lizzie managed not to mention this at the time though she promised herself she would tease her about it definitely later.

Kosa was now in Alaric's office pretending to care about Landon getting his mind wiped. It's not that she didn't care about the boy she just didn't like his 'vibes'.

"It's been 24 hours you ready for round 2?" Alaric asked as the teenager in question had a look of weird determination on his face.

"Actually I was wondering if I could stay?" He seemed to ask this like he already knew the answer he just didn't want to admit it.

Kosa was quick to speak before Alaric. "No." Alaric looked at her to stop talking before she shook her head slightly before starting again. "I mean it'll be better for all of us," She tried to think of a reason before she thought of one. "You're human most people come here because they don't have control over the things that make it very clear they're not human so it would be more dangerous for you in here than out there."

Sure Kosa might have felt bad if she knew that Hope viewed him as a friend but at this point she just wanted him not within 20 feet of her for reasons that will remain unnamed.

"Kosa," Alaric said making her look at him. "You can leave now." He gave her that annoying fake smile shit he always did.

She rolled her eyes before stomping out of the room leaving Landon a little freaked out about this anger this girl he had never met before had for him. But hey she had anger for a lot of people she had never met.


Kosa was in her room staring at a bulletin board with a bunch of pictures of a certain hybrid and her. She heard her door open and quickly kicked the bulletin board under her bed, she looked to the door to yell at the person to knock but then she saw it was Hope.

"Hey Hope thought you were in Pandoras Box."

"I need some help with some dark magic."

Anoucement's From Roses Grave

Did I write this because I saw how long it had been since I updated. No. Did I not finish it and still publish it because I saw how long it had been. Yes. Sorry I haven't updated in forever and sorry its a filer chapter I just wanted to finish off the first episode. Also in upcoming updates your gonna get more info about the infinity's. Again sorry it's been forever and I know this isn't worth like how longs it been? Idk but anyway hope you enjoy.

Infinity {Hope Mikelson}Where stories live. Discover now