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'What's Disney'

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'What's Disney'

Kosa sat in Hope Mikaelson's room watching as she lit a fire on the palm of her hand. She always loved the way her magic produced fire, it always looked emerald green with hints of purple.

"Are you maleficent or something?" Hope questioned as she entered her room. Kosa quickly closed her palm extinguishing the flame.

Kosa looked at her in confusion. "Who?" Hope looked at her like she was crazy.

"Sleeping beauty?" When that got no recognition on Kosa's face from that she went on. "The sleeping curse, awakens with true loves kiss?" She paused before continuing. "Oh come on you have to know it it's the movie that is weirdly the most misogynistic of all time."

"I have literally no idea what you are talking about." Kosa said with a laugh.

"Disney?" Hope tried again as she sat down on her bed and sat next to Kosa.

"I've heard of that but I have never seen a Disney movie so I will have no idea what you are talking about no matter what you say." Kosa said laying down on Hopes bed making herself comfortable, which then caused Hope to lay next to her.

"That is an atrocity only punishable by watching Disney movies." Hope said turning onto her side to face her.

"Are we that kind of friends?" Kosa asked even she didn't understand their relationship.

"We're the kind of friend who make out I'm pretty sure we're the type of friends that watch Disney movies together." Hope said sitting up causing Kosa to sit up to and smile not paying attention to Hope.

When she saw a flash go off in her face she knew her fatal mistake. Once she heard Hope let out a laugh of victory she huffed. "Hah yes and I wasn't even trying that goes on the smile board." Hope said with a smug smile on her face causing Kosa to playfully glare at her.

"Do you wanna watch the Disney movies or not?" Kosa asked as she watched Hope grab her computer as she comes back to bed. Once Hope sat down Kosa quickly pulled her in for a kiss. She always tried to mentally prepare herself for the kiss but she still got shell shocked even when she initiated it.

Hope quickly pulled away. "No you're not getting out of this." Kosa looked away in annoyance.


About 2 hours later they were watching Mulan which caused Kosa to think of a fact. "Is this movie based on actual fact or not?"

"Huh- what sure." Hope said pausing the movie. And turning to look at her.

"That did not answer my question survivor." Kosa said bunching up her sleeves.

Hope rolled her eyes playfully. "I don't know shouldn't you know" Before giving her a smile and pausing the movie.

"I wouldn't know I wasn't really a loud to leave the shop after the 11th century."

Hey so I'm sorry this chapter and the next one are going to be short I'm just trying to give background. Also please fact check me if any fact in this wrong the quote I got off tiktok also after the next chapter we're going to go into season 1 hope you all love it bye 👋

Infinity {Hope Mikelson}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora