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'The Smile Board'

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'The Smile Board'

Kosa stood in the newly opened shop. It already looked worn in, just like she liked it. She looked at all the empty boxes just lying on the floor. Her parents whenever they opened the shop somewhere else always made her do it by hand. She hated having to do that.

The girl looked around making sure no one was there before she clicked her fingers and popped up behind the counter. She plopped a book on the counter and started reading. When she was a chapter in she heard the door open. She started the few sentences she always said whenever a new costumer walked in.

"Welcome to the infinity's antique shop 'nothing is to old for" She stopped when she heard a voice yell out. 'It's me Kosa' Kosa quickly slammed her book shut. "Thank god" she said as Hope Mikelson came up.

"How you doin' H-E-Double hockey sticks." Kosa said with a smile. Hope then proceeded to let out a groan of annoyance.

"You know I hate it when you call me that!"

"Oh I do but, let me tell you a secret." Kosa then proceeded to drop her voice to a whisper. "You're cute when you're mad."

Hope let out a quite sigh as she didn't know what to feel about what Kosa had just said. "I hate you." She said it trying to leave no argument in that phrase.

"No you love me Andrea." She had many different nicknames for the tribrid, one of the ones she usually used in replacement for her name was Andrea. As Hope let out another sigh of annoyance. "Why did you come here again." Kosa said as she left the counter to do something she really couldn't tell you what.

"To do this." Hope said grabbing Kosa's shoulders and pulling her in for a kiss. To anyone who saw them besides themselves, they would think this kiss was sudden and or out of character. But to both of them it felt casual they had been doing this since a week after they met. And no they were not an 'official' relationship. Because they both refused to let the other in.

As they pulled away Kosa was stunned (she usually was after a kiss with Hope Mikaelson) "I thought you said we weren't doing that in public anymore." Kosa said putting a piece of hair behind her ear.

Hope raised an eyebrow. "Were not in public were in your kinda closed magic antique shop."

"Right well it's a- a I don't know why I do that every-time." She said as she came out of her slightly weird shock trance she always does. She hated that.

"I love it when you get like that. It's cute." Hope said patting Kosa's head like a dog.

"Did you just pat my head like a dog?" Kosa asked confused.

"Yes what do you want me to  pat your head like a cat."

Kosa eyes widened as she quickly grabbed a Polaroid camera from the cash register and quickly snapped a pic. As the picture dropped to the ground Kosa smiled. She had caught Hope smiling.

Hope let out a gasp. "No fair you're already three ahead and you're using the camera and you're smiling so I can't take a picture." Hope trying to pick up the picture before Kosa did which she did not succeed to do.

"All is fair in love and war. And also I'm 4 ahead now"

With the picture in hand Kosa put the camera back on the register and quickly thumbtacked it to the bulletin board with a paper taped to the top called 'Smile Board' it had a bunch of different pictures of Hope Mikaelson smiling. The one that had pictures of Kosa was in Hopes room.

They had started the competition when Kosa realized that Hope didn't smile a true smile often (which she didn't either) so whenever Hope did she took a photo and put them on the board she got to three before Hope started doing it right back at her. (She even got her aunt Freya to buy a Polaroid camera for it but she ended up mostly using the one Kosa had.)

When Kosa turned to her and started laughing to herself. To which then prompted a flash to go off in her face. "Ha now your back to three ahead." Hope smiled sarcastically.

Kosa then shook her head disappointed in herself. "Lucky but I will beat you Hope."

"Do you wanna walk back to the dorm rooms with me." Hope asked to which Kosa shrugged and said sure.

Kosa quickly put the board underneath the register and walked back with Hope. Putting her arm around her shoulder as they walked.

Hi so sorry I had to push back the date to which I was gonna publish this I finished this on the 27th which is when I published this sorry if you were expecting me to jump right into the show I wanted to establish the relationship that Hope and Kosa have also if it wasn't clear Kosa and Hope hooked up and also technically had a 'relationship' before they became official which will happen in season one also there will only be a few chapters before we get into season one which is were the real shit happens
Also P.S sorry if you feel hope is out of character I tried my best to channel her
bye 👋

Infinity {Hope Mikelson}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt