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You didn't sleep that night.

And no, it wasn't because you were cold.

The fire supply seemed to have replenished.

You thought that it was the man you saw earlier, dropping off supplies.

You hope he's brought some food.

You ended up lying awake, staring at the ceiling and contemplating life.

You'd had a year and a half to evaluate yourself but you hadn't found anything wrong with you.

It was the other people.

And being with them for a while, you understood them.

You knew why Coco was a bitch, you knew why Evie Gallant went on about her life experiences, you knew why Andre was stubborn all the time.

I mean Andre was super predictable so you were sure anyone could figure that one out.

However, what you didn't understand was why there was a new guy in the bunker.

Why was he here?

What was his name?

What did he want?

Why now?

He could've at least come earlier.

It would've saved a lot of hassle.

Your phone had long since ran out but you still liked to put your headphones in your ears.

It sort of numbed the world, making it sound almost as if you were underwater.

You shut your eyes, submerging yourself in thoughts when you heard a strange hissing noise.

You immediately pulled your headphones out of your ears and lifted your head from your pillow.

"Hello?" You say, the noise still continuing.

You feel uneasy as you slowly move off your bed.

It seemed the sounds were coming from your wardrobe.

Your heart began to race as you tiptoed towards the cupboard.

The sound was louder than ever.

And worst of all, it felt like someone was watching you.

You could feel eyes on your back and it made your spine tingle.

You quickly check behind you and confirm that you are indeed going crazy because there was no way anyone could be watching you then.

You were right, no one was there.

You were literally alone in this room.

Alone with this weird hissing sound.

You turn your attention back to the wardrobe.

Pressing your ear to the cabinet, you notice that the noise was coming from the section where your blue dress was.

Hesitantly, you open the door.

The hinges creak as it reveals the thing you would least expect to be in a post apocalyptic bunker.


Seven of them.

You watched as the green serpents squirmed, leaving a slimy trail on the hard oak wood.

You stare at them for a moment, watching as their forked tongues flicked in and out of their mouth and as their beady eyes searched you for a target.

You didn't know what to do, just stand there?

For all you knew the snakes were poisonous or something.

You weren't scared but you screamed.

Only because it was a faster way to get peoples attention.

Now, all you had to do was keep these snakes entertained for a while.

Or about 30 seconds until everyone starts running in.

That Witch Bitch: ContinuedNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ