"Let me guess he tried to kill you" she said.

"You gonna tell him?" I asked.

She shooed her hand.

"You took out six assassins by yourself?" She asked. "Not bad."

I leaned against the wall as she continued to talk.

"Um, they're all dead" she said. "I didn't kill them."

"I can say she in fact did not kill them" I yelled.

"We walked in and they were dead. The heads exploded" she said. "Are you okay?"

I looked at her as she got off the phone.

"He said there's a safe house in Chicago?" She said.

I smiled knowing the address.

"I'll drive" I said.

Rachel and Gar raced to the van as I got into the driver seat.

"The address is-" Kory started.

"I know the address" I smiled. "I spent Christmas Day one year when I was seventeen. Something had came up and my dad brought me there."

"With Dick?" Kory asked.

"Yeah" I sighed.

The drive was short but long enough where I kept circling back to what Billy had said. There wasn't anything the mighty Wiccan couldn't handle.

"Are you okay?" Rachel asked.

"I'm fine" I said.

I parked along the street looking around. The three followed me into the building as the security system got triggered. I smiled watching Gar wave at the camera. Dick met us downstairs as we got onto the elevator.

"Who are your friends?" A young boy asked. "Oh shit I know you!"

"I don't think you do" I said.

"Supergirl! Bruce has told me stories about you and your-" he started.

"It's nearly been ten years, it's okay" I said. "Who are you?"

"Not important" Dick snapped.

"Anybody want a brew?" He asked.

"Are you even old enough to drink?" I asked.

"That can't be Adamson" Kory said.

"He's not Adamson. Adamson's in the bathroom" Dick said. "Unconscious."

I zoned out looking at the paintings on the walls.

"Bathroom" Kory said.

We followed Dick down the hall revealing an unconscious man chained in the shower.

"What happened to him?" I asked.

"Gave him something to help him sleep" Dick said. "I kind of had my hands full."

"Did he say anything?" Kory asked.

I locked eyes with Dick as he responded.

"Said he worked for something called the organization. And that they work for Rachel's father" he said.

I looked away feeling my heartbeat increase.

"He seemed to have people everywhere" he said. "You sure you weren't followed?"

"If we were followed I would've known" I said.

"You sure you weren't?" Kory snapped.

"Him?" He asked. "He's my replacement."

"What?" I asked.

Dick ignored my comment.

"What is he still doing here?" I asked.

"Some people I know were killed in Gotham" he said. "There's someone I need to check on to make sure he's okay."

"Go" I said.

"What about him?" He asked.

"He's unconscious and handcuffed. Pretty sure we can handle it" Kory said.

Kory walked out chuckling leaving Dick and I alone.

"I can go with you" I said.

"It's my problem" he said.

"You don't have to do everything alone" I said. "I meant what I said. I should've never left you."

He grabbed my chin causing me to look up.

"I'll be back" he said as his lips brushed against mine.

I sighed walking out of the bathroom after him.

Love in the Night | Dick GraysonWhere stories live. Discover now