Ch 40: Road Trip

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We got back to our roadtrip as I sat in the passenger seat, watching Dick drive.

"You talk to either of them?" He asked.

"No" I said. "I mean I barely talked to him when before he died, you know how hard it is. He's Superman, Dick."

"Just thought.. never mind" he said.

I smiled, rubbing my hand on his arm.

"It's okay" I whispered.

We stopped at a bowling alley to get the kids out of the RV. America and Rachel were the first to get to the lane as we handed them their shoes. Kory and I went to get the food and drinks as she nudged me.

"What?" I said.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

"Yeah" I said.

She looked at me as I shook my head.

"I don't doubt my decision, I thought I would but I don't. I also brought my parents back to life" I said. "I stopped a multiversal war from happening. I'd say I'm doing good, under the circumstances."

"Dick was really worried when you were gone" she said.

I looked to my left as Dick laughed with Conner.

"I'm not going to lie, I didn't know if I'd make it out alive" I said. "But I'm glad I did, I love those kids."

I looked at her as she smiled. Our order was called as we each grabbed trays full of food and drinks. I set my tray down, handing Rachel her shake which she has been 'dying to have'. I sat down beside Dick as Kory went to request songs. I grabbed my drink, sipping on it as the kids laughed and smiled while bowling.

"You know just a few days ago, I thought I would never see you again" he said.

I turned to him, placing a kiss on his cheek.

"Can't get rid of me that easy, Mr. Grayson" I said.

"I'd never get rid of you, Mrs. Grayson" he smiled.

I bit my lip as he kissed the top of my nose. His phone began ringing as he took his phone out, looking at it before looking back to me. I saw Bruce's name on his screen as I nodded.

"You should probably take that" I said.

He walked away as I walked towards the kids and Kory. I wrapped my arm around Gar, who leaned into my as I ruffled his hair.

"I just think they wanted an excuse to call. My phones been blowing up ever since we left" Tim said.

"Awe. It's nice to have parents that miss you" Kory said.

"Yeah, nice to have parents" Rachel said.

"Alrighty then, Rach" I said.

"Look who's back" Kory said.

Dick walked towards us smiling.

"Everything okay?" I asked.

"Yeah. Everything's fine" Dick said.

"Spill" I said.

"Just got off the phone with Bruce" he said.

"No!" Everyone yelled.

"We're not going back to Gotham" Kory said.

"Way too soon" Conner said.

"What's wrong with Gotham?" America asked.

"A lot of things" I said.

"For the record, I don't mind going back" Gar said.

"Okay, hang on. This isn't about Gotham" Dick said. "It's about Metropolis."

My head whipped to him as he smiled, looking at Conner.

"Bruce and I have been talking about you wanting to meet your dad" he said. "So, Bruce made some calls and.. he wants to meet you."

"Superman wants to meet me? He.. he said that?" Conner said.

I walked around Kory to grab Dick's arm.

"Hey, why didn't you tell me?" I asked.

"Not now, Liv" he whispered.

"This is incredible. I-I can't believe it's really happening. First I meet my sister.. and now.." Conner said.

I forced a smile as he was beaming. I was happy Conner would meet our father but I was also irritated that Dick hadn't even told me he's been planning this.

"Nine o'clock sharp at S.T.A.R. Labs" Dick said.

"Wait, the S.T.A.R. labs?" Tim said.

"Special projects team heard we might be visiting and went into overdrive" he said. "Apparently, they've been trying to get their hands on us for some time. Bruce said there might be some surprises. Whatever that means."

I glared at Dick as he snaked his arm around my waist, pulling me towards him.

"Dick Grayson" I said.

"Olivia Grayson" he countered.

"We have much to discuss" I said.

We gathered all the kids to leave as I waited outside the RV for Dick. America walked towards me as I leaned against the vehicle. She wrapped her arms around me as I smiled.

"Thank you" she whispered.

"What for?" I asked.

"Giving me a family" she said.

"You'll always have a family with me, America" I said.

I kissed the top of her head as she got onto the RV. The rest of the kids got on along with Kory. I shut the door, blocking Dick from going on.

"So, you and Bruce have been talking?" I asked.

"Liv" he sighed.

"It would've been nice to know" I said.

"I'm sorry" he said. "But Conner's been talking about him since you brought him back to life. He does deserve to know him."

"I'm not saying he doesn't" I said. "I would've liked to be in the loop, it's my fucking dad, who I've only talked to once since bringing him back. He's busy and I get that but I'm a little hurt he'd make time to meet Conner but can't call me back."

"He does miss you" he said. "But he's been gone ten years, Liv, he has a lot to catch up on."

He walked towards me, wrapping his arms around me. He held me tight as I let everything out. All the emotions I had kept lock and key. The pain of losing Tommy then bringing him back, the disbelief I felt when I saw my parents alive, and having to kill a carbon copy of my mother.

Love in the Night | Dick GraysonHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin