Ch 20: Conner Kent

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I stood over his body trying desperately to read his mind. Something about him felt like home. The more I looked at him the more he resembled my father. I jumped as Dick and Dawn walked in.

"Is he stable?" He asked.

"For the moment" Dawn said. "Whatever they shot him with left some sort of toxin."

"Maybe we should take him to the hospital?" Dick asked.

"The boy has special abilities" Kory said. "I think he's safest here."

I zoned out examining every part of his face. Dawn grabbed my arm as I jumped.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

"Something about him, it just feels like home" I said. "That toxin is Kryptonite."

"What?" She asked.

"I thought Kryptonite was like Kryptonians weaknesses" Kory said.

"It is but it does nothing to me" I said.

"Why?" She asked.

"I don't know. Maybe it's my mutant counterpart fighting against it?" I said. "I should probably check on the kids."

I walked out of the room slowly walking down the hall. Donna pulled me aside holding onto my arm.

"Doesn't the kid look a little familiar to you?" She asked.

"I can't read his mind, no matter how hard I try" I said.

"That was Kryptonite, wasn't it?" She asked.

I nodded.

"Someone's after him and somehow they have Krytponite, think of anybody who is capable of getting their hands on it?" She asked.

"I killed him. He's gone" I said. "All of the Kryptonite should be gone."

"C'mon, we both know Lex Luthor is a pathological liar" she said. "He had to of had some hidden."

"I don't know. But I'm going to find out who's after him and how they have Kryptonite" I said.

I turned my head as Hank had four bags in hand as Chinese food filled the tower. I sat alongside Donna as Dick entered the kitchen.

"What's with the Houdini act?" Hank asked.

"What?" Dick asked.

"Out there with Deathstroke" he said. "You disappear and leave us in the dark?"

"You go off by yourself with nobody to trade?" Dawn asked. "No backup?"

I picked at the rice in front of me staying out of the fight waiting to happen.

"Can we not do this now?" Dick said. "I fucked up."

"No shit" Hank said.

I rolled my eyes grabbing a piece of broccoli before shoving it in my mouth.

"Is there something you're not telling us?" Hank asked. "Something to do with Deathstroke maybe?"

"There's nothing" Dick said. "It was just a tactical error."

"A tactical error?" I asked. "Jason could've died but it's a tactical error."

Dick clenched his jaw before grabbing his jacket.

"Where are you going?" Dawn asked.

"I'll be back later" he said.

I put my head into my hands, closing my eyes. I glanced at Donna before walking down the hall, stopping at the open door with a singular light on inside. I stood at the doorway, leaning against the frame watching Kory hum as she looked at the boy. He suddenly grabbed her arm before speaking Kryptonian. I stood up straight as she responded in her native language. He let go of her arm as I walked towards her.

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