13. Draco x Potter reader My kitten

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Plot: After Harry's gone wrong spell his sister Y/N turn into a kitten and runaway. On her way she meet Draco and manage to tell who she is. Draco takes care of her until she turns back.
Words: 1361
Warnings: None, fluffy. 

"Harry!! What did you do?!!! " Hermione screams to my brother while I still try to understand what happened to me. A minute ago I was sitting on a couch in the Griffindor common room and now I sit on the floor. 

"Don't blame me. I have no idea how this happened" Harry says trying to explain himself. "You just turned your sister into kitten" Ron says trying not to laugh. Then it hits me, I am a kitten, a little black kitten. I see how Hermione tries to pick me up, but before she can touch me I run through the common room to the door. 

Luck is on my side and just as I reach the door Neville walks inside and I jump outside. I can hear Harry, Ron and Hermione shouting after me, but I don't stop running. Just as I run around a corner my little head pumps into someones leg. I look up from the black shoes to the face that I hate and love at the same time, Draco Malfoy. 

From far away I can still hear my brother looking for me as Draco gently lifts me up. "Hey, little one. What are you doing here?" he ask as he looks into my green cat eyes. Suddenly I can hear my brothers voice again, so I quickly jump on Draco's shoulder and from there into his hood. Luckily he doesn't try to get me out and just keep walking. 

"What have you lost, Potter? Your scar?" I hear Draco ask. "None of your business, Malfoy" Harry answer to him angrily. As Draco continues walking I hear Ron ask "How far can Y/N even go in this short time?". 

"Pureblood" Draco say as he enters Slytherin's common room. "Draco, what took you so long?" I hear Blaise ask. "I found this little kitten and then I saw Potter lookin for something" Draco explains as he takes me out of his hood. It's a really weird thought that I sit in my crush's hands. Yes, I have a crush on Draco Malfoy. 

"She is really cute" Pansy says as Draco gives me to her. I always thought that she is annoying, but now when she takes me so gently and uses her hair tie as my toy. I try to resist that I don't jump and catch the hair tie, but finally I give up and start to play with it. 

After a few hours I jump of Pansy's lap and walk over to Draco jumping on his lap. He looks a bit surprised, but the relax and pets my head. Draco finishes his conversation with Blaise and says "I go now doing my homwork". He holds me as he enters the sleeping room of the boys. 

I watch him as he takes his homework out and starts making them on his writing desk. I jump down from Draco's bed where he put me and climb up on his desk. "Hey little one. I just wonder how you got here?" Draco says as he looks at me. 

Then I saw his pen on the table and after that I got an idea, it isn't the best plan. I walk over to the pen, take it in my mouth and walk with the pen to a piece of parchment. It is harder than I thought to writhe with a pencil in your mouth. 

This is what I write for Draco "I am Y/N Potter". He looks at me in shock and I just sit there with the pencil in my mouth. "How??! Wait a second? Are you really Y/N??!" Draco ask me still looking at me. I just nod and write "Harry, wrong spell, runaway". "So Potter made a spell and it went wrong and hit you. Then you runaway and met me?" he ask and I nod again. 

"Technically I have been carrying you the whole day around just to know you are Y/N" Draco say still a bit confused. "How can I even be mad at you, you are too cute for that" he continues. If I were a human I would probably blush. 

I watch as Draco makes his homework, but I start to get tired and so I walk over to him. I press myself against his hand. "Are you tired?" He ask as I nod. He gently picks me up and put me on his bed, before leaving in the bathroom. I try to make myself comfortable, but it isn't working.     

After a few minutes Draco walks out wearing his night clothes. He comes to the bed and I jump on his chest. I can hear him chuckle as I make myself comfortable on his chest. The last thing I hear before falling is sleep is "Good night my little kitten". 


The next morning I wake up, still laying on Draco's chest, but this time I have hair in my mouth. Then fast I look at myself and see that I am a human again. Only problem is that I am wearing a long top and it isn't very warm outside. 

"Draco, wake up" I say pocking is forehead after seeing that it's nearly breakfast time. "Five minutes more" he mumbles, but I don't stop before he is full awake. "Y/N you are a human again" Draco say as he look at me, his hair is all fluffy an I'm not gonna lie, it looks so cute. 

"Yes. And now I can kill Harry" I say and make him laugh. Draco gets up and go to the bathroom. As I look around I see the other boys already left. "Draco? Do you have a hoodie that I could wear, it's too could just in a top" I ask him as he returns. 

He walks over to his closet and takes out a black hoodie handing it to me. I put it on, it smells like him, green apples and mint. "You look pretty cute" Draco say as he looks at me. I am too stunned to speak. I thought that this day will never come when Draco says that I am cute. 

"Come on. Let's have breakfast" he says and so we walk together trough the halls of Hogwarts. I grab his and and make him stop. "Thank you Draco, it really means much that you took care of me" I say and give a kiss on his cheek.  

I see how his face that is usually pale face is now red. "You are welcome" he mumble. I start leaving, but then he crabs my hand and pulls me back to him saying "Would you go to a date with me?". "Yes, I would go on a date with you, Draco" I say blushing and then leave smiling in the hall. 

At the Griffindor table I sit next to Hermione. "Why are you smiling and not killing Harry?" Ron ask as I can't stop thinking about the date. "Ron is right. And that isn't your hoodie" Harry says looking at Draco's hoodie. 

"No it isn't mine. And no I am not mad at you" I say and just then I see Draco looking at me. We both smile and of course my brother and friends notice this. "Why did you smile at Malfoy" Harry ask. "It's actually your fault, Harry" I say. 

"What do you mean" Ron ask confused. "Well, if Harry hadn't turn me into a cat, Draco wouldn't have found me, not given me his hoodie and not asked me on a date" I say making them stare at me like I had a second head. Oh no, this takes a wile before they understand or calm down... 

~The End~

This is just a oneshot and it isn't going to have a second part. From now on I post a oneshot in this book when ever I want or have time. The request are still open. ~R   

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