20. Tutankhamun x reader Waking up

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Plot: Y/N works in Cairo's museum where the mummy of Tutankhamun is on display. One night Tut wakes up and meets Y/N. She tries to teach Tut live in this world.
Words: 1412
Warnings: Fluffy. 

Hi! I am Y/N, I am 21 years old and just started to work in the new museum of Cairo. When I was fifteen I discovered ancient Egypt and after that I have wanted to work with it. My favorite pharaoh is Tutankhamun. A few months ago it was discovered that he isn't actually a sick boy but an actual warrior king. Today I have a night shift. I am an archeologist but I work as a museum guard when I am not on the field.

"Good evening" the day guard says smiling at me. "Good evening" I reply walking towards the changing room. I quickly change into my work uniform before walking back into the main hall. I close the doors making sure they are locked, then I turn the lights off that aren't needed. I have the whole night time to wander around the museum, my favorite thing is to watch the different artifacts of the pharaohs.

I walk around the museum just checking if everything is as it should be. Then I go to the room where the security cameras are, I check if all of them are on. I stay for a while watching the screens so that I am sure everything is working. We usually have two night guards but the other one is sick and they didn't get someone to cover him.

I leave the room and slowly move through the museum towards the mummy of Tutankhamun, who is here on display only for a short time because they repair his tomb. Everytime I have a night shift I visit him or the things from his tomb. I have always felt a strange connection to him, I have no idea why.

I arrive at his display when I hear noises. There shouldn't be anyone in the museum any more. I quietly walk towards the light switch, when I reach it I turn the light on. I was expecting to see a visitor who got lost or a worker who stayed late but I am not prepared for what I see. I see the mummy of Tutankhamun but I see a man, maybe a few years younger than me, with bronze skin and Egyptian clothes.

"Who are you?" I ask my guard up. The man turns around and just stares at me. After a while he finally speaks. "I am Tutankhamun, son of Akhenaten, King of lower and upper Egypt" the man, Tutankhamun, says. I just stare at him, I am not sure if I should believe him but at the same time I don't see a reason why I shouldn't believe him.

"Wait what?" I still ask, looking at him with wide eyes. "You heard me and understood me" Tutankhamun says looking at me like I am stupid. At the moment I actually feel stupid and have a really hard time believing everything. "Is this real?" I ask sitting on a bench. "No" he says walking closer to me. I pinch myself to be sure that I am not dreaming.

"I don't want to sound rude but how on Earth are you alive?" I ask, he should be dead and not walking towards me. "I will forgive you for your way of speech in the presence of a pharaoh. I am not sure why I am alive at the moment but Amun talked to me and told that I will have a new purpose here" Tut, it is shorter than Tutankhamun, says looking serious. I believe that Amun talked to him how else he would be here.

"Do you know what year you are?" I ask trying to map how much he knows about this time. "I do not know the exact year. But Amun said that I am in the future and I will automatically understand and talk the language that you are talking" he explains and sits next to me. "You are in year 2023 in our counting system. About 3000 years after you lived" I explain. Tuts face changes into a shocked expression, I think he didn't think he would be this far into the future.

"What is your work?" Tut aks. "I am an archeologist, it means that I dig bones or other things from the ground and examine them. I am specialized in ancient Egypt, in your kingdom. I also work here in night shifts guarding everything so that no one steals the historical artifacts" I try to explain my job so that he understands it. "Is there anything you want to know?" I add looking at the man sitting next to me.

I must admit that he is very handsome, bronze skin, not the tallest man I have seen but not too short. He has black hair, only an inch or an inch and a half long. Beautiful black eyes, I can almost swear that I can see the universe in them. He doesn't have facial hair at all. He is pretty built but I guess that it happens if you are a warrior.

"What am I supposed to do now?" Tut asks looking at me. "I don't know really but you can't stay in the museum. You could come to my apartment until you have a plan" I say unsure of myself. I don't mind him living with me, I actually want to have company because I often feel alone. "Alright. We do that until I receive more information from the goods. You have a strange eye color, a bit like the Nile or the plant around it" he says looking at my face.


It has been four months since Tut moved into my apartment. I have been teaching him how the modern world works, some things are hard to understand and some easier. He really likes books and to my surprise jewelry, we have been buying him a lot of different kinds of jewelry. He even managed to get a job at a small store and he is actually doing really well. He gave up the pharaoh thing after a few weeks, I still speak to him with respect, for me he will always be a pharaoh.

"Y/N" Tut says as he lays down, his head lands in my lap. "What is it Tut?" I ask playing with his hair. After a month or so he allowed me to call him that. And a few weeks ago he discovered that he actually likes that someone plays with his hair. "Can we watch the magic box?" he asks. "Yes we can. What do you want to watch? And how many times do I have to say it's called TV" I say amused, he always calls it magic box.

"Could we watch that movie with the big lizards?" Tut says looking up to me with those beautiful black eyes. "Yes we can watch How to train your dragons" I say opening the TV and setting the movie. I have no problem watching this movie again and again, it's one of my favorites. We fall silent and watch the movie, I continue playing with his hair.

Just as Hiccup and Toothless fly for the first time I feel Tut's hands on my cheeks. "Tut?" I ask, wondering what the matter is. "I think I know what my new purpose is. I was sent here for you" he says. Then to my surprise he pulls me closer to him, I need to arch my back so that I can follow his lead.

My eyes widen when he quickly pecks my lips before letting me go. I just stare at him, I can't believe that he actually kissed me, he is a pharaoh. Tut sits up before he lifts me up, then he lays down and places me on his chest. "Do you really mean that?" I ask, hiding my face into his chest. "Yes I really do mean that, you are as beautiful as Isis, my queen" Tut says pulling me closer.

I snuggle closer to him, smiling like an idiot. "I can't believe this is real" I mumble into his chest. "It is and you won't get away from me anytime soon" Tut says and I can hear the smile in his voice. "I would be mad if I tried to get rid of you, you are a pharaoh" I say, I am not complaining if I have Tutankhamun as my boyfriend. "You are adorable, lioness" he says before pulling me closer as we continue watching the movie. 

~The End~

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