10. Bucky x Stark Reader Doll

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Plot: You are the daughter of Tony Stark. You are bullied in school so your best friend (or more) Bucky decide to teach them a lesson.                                                                                                Words: 949                                                                                                                                                          Warnings: Fluff and bulling 


I walk trough the streets of New York, heading to the Avengers Tower. Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Y/N Stark, daughter of the famous Tony Stark. I am not part of the avengers, but their are my friends. 

"Hey Jarvis can you open the door" I ask Jarvis. "Of course miss Stark" It answer opening the door. I walk to the lift and press the button to the conditions. As the lift doors open, I see in the room three figures, I recognize my father and Steve but I have never see the third before. 

"Who are you" I ask as I step in the room pointing a dagger at the stranger. I always carry one with me, my father trained me how to defend myself. "Y/N. Please clam down" Steve say trying to make me put the dagger away. I lay the dagger a bit, but doesn't put it away. 

"Y/N, meet the new member of the Avengers, tinman. Stop looking at me like that, old man. Okay, okay. His real name is James Buchanan Barnes" my father say. It can't be The James Barnes. I have red about him in the museum and admired him always. 

"Hi, I'm Y/N Stark. Nice to meet you" I say holding my hand to him. To my surprise he don't shake it, he take it in his hand and kiss it gently saying "Nice to meet you, doll". His voice, it's so perfect. And he called me doll, I scream inside my head. At the same time I can feel myself blushing. Then I remember why I was here in the first place. 

"Oh, Dad. Can I move here. Mom don't want me anymore, she have a new boyfriend again" I ask my father. I hope he let me stay, or else I must find a new home. "You can stay here, sweety. What if you go and get your stuff here with Steve and Nat" my father say. I smile and jump in his arms. 


I have lived by my father now for seven months. My friendship with the other Avengers have get better and stronger than before.  Bucky is my best friend now, we have the same taste for music, movies and books. We understand each other very well, I try to help him remembering his life before he became the  Winter Soldier. 

"But Dad I don't want to go in school" I try to make my father understand that I don't feel comfortable there. The other girls bully me, call me bad names and push me. Sometimes there are boys too and they are much worse than the girls. 

"You go in the school, and don't say anything or you don't get your tickets at the museum" my father say in a tone that means that the conservation is over. I turn around running into my room and slam the door behind me. I jump on my bed and start crying, I hate school, it's my last year in high school. 

"Doll. Can I come in" I hear Bucky ask behind my door. "Come in" I say between snobs. I hear him stepping inside and feel him sitting next to me. "Come here, doll. I know that you don't want to go. What if I come and pick you up tomorrow" Bucky say while I climb in his lap. I have told to him half of the truth, not that I'm bullied. "Okay" I say after I have calmed down. "So there you go" He say as he kiss my cheek. I blush again, I think that I have a crush on Bucky. 


The day in school is awful as usually. I am just walking outside when I hear one of the boys shouting. "Where are you going, ugly". (You all are beautiful, don't listen anyone who say something else). I can feel my eyes fill with tears. 

Then one of them take my backpack and hold it so that I can't get it. "Is here a problem" I hear a familiar voice. Bucky, he is really here. "No, we are just telling her where she belong" the leader of them say. "You better to take your words back" Bucky say angrily. "Who are you telling to me what I do" the leader ask. 

Then Bucky do something that he never do, he take the sleeve of that cover his metal arm. "Do you now" He ask, even I am scared of him. "Y-you are t-the W-Winter S-s-soldier" they say really scared. "Yes I am. And If you don't treat her well I will come after you" Bucky say nearly growling. 

All the boys run away screaming. I look at Bucky and he is already looking at me worried. "Are you alright" He ask softly. "Yes. I think they leave me alone now" I say smiling a bit. "Why you didn't tell me about that you have been bullied" Bucky ask. "I don't want sound weak. And thank you for it" I say looking down to my feet. 

"Hey, look at me. You aren't weak" He say holding my chin. I just hug him tight. "Can I kiss you" Bucky ask suddenly. "What!?" I ask confused. I dreamed of this for a long time. "Forget it, forget that I ever said it" Bucky say shamed. Then I understand that I haven't answered. I crab his jacket and pull him down to my lips. It take a while before he kiss me back. I think that bully's are a help sometimes. 

-The End- 

What you think about this. If you have a request I am happy to make it. And thank you for nearly 200 reads. ~R

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