6. Thorin x reader Elf

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Plot: You are Thranduil's daughter and a old friend of Thorin. You join the company and in the battle Thorin finally admins that he loves you.                                                                              Words: 1194                                                                                                                                                              Warnings: Fluff, battle 


I watched from the bush shelters how the dwarves, the hobbit, and the wizard prepared the camp. They tied ponies and prepared food. Just after they had sat in place I decided to make my great enter.

I stepped straight into the light, the hood covering my face. I watched in amusement as Dwalin raised his ax, Thorin his sword, and the other their weapons. However, I continued my journey towards Thorin. When I was less than four feet away from him, I stopped and lowered my hood.

The dwarves saw my pointy ears, my blond long hair, and my forest green eyes. I watched as the others were more prepared, but Thorin lowered his sword. "All weapons down," Thorin ordered in his baritone voice. Only when he looked at the others they finally lower their weapons. I knelt down and wrapped my arms around Thorin and hugged him. I heard the voices of astonishment from others as Thorin hugged me back.

"Princess Y / N, nice to see you again," Gandalf said, I nodded to him in response. "Thorin who is she?" Dwalin asked, "All, this is the Princess of Mirkwood, Y / N, and before you start hating her I'll tell you something. We were good friends at a really young age, but we met in secret. And the day Smaug attacked she would have helped but his father wouldn't allow it. " Thorin briefly told our story.

It took a while before all the dwarves believed me, I had to say I was angry with my father and I ran away. That's when I joined Thorin's company and began my journey towards to the Lonely Mountain, through many dangers.

We were in Rivendell, surviving the stone giants and goblins. We escaped with the eagles from Azog and were with Beorn. We went to Mirkwood and escaped from my father, lowered the river in the barrel. We were in Laketown, from where we went to the Mountain, there we expelled Smaug. Thorin fell into dragon sickness and started a war. I went over the wall to fight.


"Lord Dain" I shouted at Thorin's cousin as I tried to get to him. Eventually I got to him and started fighting alongside him. "Lass, who are you," Dain asked. "Princess Y / N, at your service" I replied. "Are you the child of that forest fairy," he continued, I nodded.

When the battle seemed hopeless I heard a rumble behind me and saw Thorin and the others rushed out of the mountain into the battle. I smiled and left towards them, killing the orcs along the way. When I arrived at Thorin I heard that he was going to kill Azog, and by then he was already gone. Of course, I had to follow that stupid dwarf,I had started to love, or else he would kill himself.

I had just reached the Ravenhill when Azog lifted Fili into the air, quickly without any further thought I took my bow and shot Azog in the arm when Fili fell. Luckily he fell on the snow, I noticed that Kili came to him, but Thorin went after Azog. I quickly ran to Fili and Kili to check if they were okay. "Fili, Kili are you okay" I asked panting. "We're Y / N, thank you for rescuing me," Fili said. "Can you walk or get up," I asked. "I think that I can soon, "he replied. I decided they would make it and I went after Thorin.

When I reached the Ice, I saw Thorin on his back, holding Orcrist, preventing Azog from being stabbed. I saw him that he was going to surrender, so I drew my sword and rushed at Azog. I jumped on his back and it was enough for Thorin to get out from below. I took a place from the ice and made Azog fall, pushed the sword through his stomach and pinned him to the ice. I watched as Thorin walked towards Azog and finally pushed his sword into Azog's heart, killing the orc.

I couldn't help but I ran to Thorin and hugged him as tightly as I could while crying. "You stupid dwarf, never do anything like that again, or I'll kill you myself. You're reckless and stupid ... I was afraid I would lose you to Thorin," I said with a nod. "Y / N everything is fine now, you saved me" Thorin said, holding me in his arms the length of our difference despite asking "Are Fili and Kili okay". "All right, Kili stayed with Fili," I replied on his shoulder and started crying. "Calm down Y / N, we are all alive. Everything will be fine, Amrálime," Thorin said in my ear. I quickly raised my head and looked him in the eyes, because I knew what that last word meant.

"Why did you call me Thorin," I asked in confusion. "You heard me right Ghivashel. The day I first met you I knew you were my One. I know your dad probably won't accept and you don't love me I guess, but I had to tell you now. I love you Ghivashel," Thorin said a little confused. "Hey Thorin don't assume that I don't love you, because I love you a long time now" I replied blushing. "Then do you do the honor of being my queen, and if others don't agree, it doesn't belong to them," Thorin said, "Yes, of course," I replied.

Then he gently put his hand on my cheek and kissed me, his beard tickled my lips, I laughed and I felt him smiling. "Yea now Bofur owes us 50 gold coins" we heard Fili and Kilo shout. We parted and saw them smiling excitedly, Dwalin looked pleased as well as Bilbo. Thorin glared at his sister's sons.


I had been crowned queen, and now the dwarves from the Iron Mountains had arrived. I had just planned with Fili and Kili to throw water on Thorin. I just sneaked behind Thorin and poured all the water on him. "Y / N, Fili, Kili this gets permission to be the last ..." Thorin growled before we heard a voice behind us saying the names of Fili and Kili. I watched as they rushed to the female dwarf's lap. "Dis" I heard Thorin say and that's when I realized he was Thorin's sister. I watched the happy family see again in their old home, smiling. It wasn't until a moment later that Dis noticed me and asked "Thorin why there's an elf here." "She is Y / N, the Princess of Mirkwood and the Queen under the mountain," Fili and Kili said. I saw Thorin glancing at them and Dis said "Thorin did you marry and you couldn't wait for me and I heard you almost died". Then, to my surprise, he grabbed Thorin by the ear and set out to pull him into the dining room. I laughed with Fili and Kili and followed them.

~The End~

A/N: I hope you like this story please forgive me my grammar errors. And please like and comment, you can request too if you have a idea. ~R

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