"HE IS SUCKING HER FUCKING FACE" Clint yells. I look at him confused

"English please"

"I will just show you" she flips the camera and I see it, well I see him.

"no" I feel like my heart has been ripped out.

"noo no why?"

"Y/n I don't know how much longer I can hold Clint and myself back from punching him" she says, I nod tears forming.


"The café we go to" Clint responds, I nod and hang up.

Before I go to the cafe, I run to his room and shove all of his shit well the stuff I could and throw it in a duffle bag, and then I grab my keys and leave the apartment and drive to where they are.

"Y/N!" Clint shouts. But I don't listen and I don't listen to the waiter who tries to talk to me.

I instead focus on my boyfriend who is kissing Olivia passionately. But before I they could notice me I hear them talking as I approach

"Did you do it?"

"No I will deal with her later, but lets not talk about her now"

"Jacob, you said you would end things months ago. I thought you didn't even like her" As if I am not already fuming enough.

"I know I know, and I don't its just boss, wants me to keep tabs on her and on SHIELD" he says. Ouch ok I feel my heart drop, and my eyes start feeling warm from tears creeping in. But I blink them away not wanting to cry now.

"I just don't understand you have been doing this for over 2 years now, surely you can end it know, don't you love me?" I grip the duffle tighter.

"You know I do, its just work doesn't trust her or her agency" well I am about this close to breaking down.

"Well looks like your getting dumped buddy" a nearby customer says making the couple turn to me. And Jacob's eyes widen.

"Y/n, shit look I can explain" I just shove his bag into his hands and once my hands are free I punch him in the nose, breaking it.

"Fuck you bitch" Olivia yells cradling Jacob's head in her hands. But while they lick their wounds the café erupts in roars and cheers for me.

"You can do much better than him sweetie" and older lady says to me. I smile weakly.

"Jacob I hope you're aware that, that punch signifies the end of your mission. Our relationship is so over" I say walking away and out the door, I hear yelling behind me. But I just keep walking until I reach my car.

"Y/n WAIT" I hear the arseholes voice. I turn around glaring at him

"Jacob give me a reason not to kill you right now" Nat says walking to my side along with Clint.

"Look Y/n, it was a mistake and I am sorry" 

"Jacob the only mistake I made was trusting you with my heart" he looks down

"Just know I did love you Y/n. I still do" I hear Clint scoff.

"You and I have very different meanings of love" Clint says. 

"Y/n can we just talk privately.. please"

"Fine Nat, Clint go back to my apartment I will see you there" they ignore me until I turn and look at them softly.

once they left Jacob starts moving closer.

"stay there don't come any closer"

"Y/n I-"

"Just answer me this was any of it real?" he shakes his head

"So what did you think was going to happen, I was going to never find out?"

"No I just wanted to tell you when the time was right"

"That is the problem there is no right time to tell someone you never loved them"

"I did love you"

"but were you in love with me?" he stays silent, I nod blinking away incoming tears

"Well thanks for the past two years, even though it was fake but I never want to see you ever again. I hope you have a good life Jacob" I say getting in the car and driving off.

When I am almost home, my phone rings

"are you nearly home?"

"Yeah just around the corner"

"How are you coping?" Nat asks

"I don't know Nat I just found out my whole relationship was a lie"

"So not good" Clint says

my phone starts ringing with another incoming call

"Someone else is calling I will see you at home" I say quickly hanging up

"Y/n what the hell did you do!"

"Stark?" I ask sniffling

"What did you talk to Happy about" he asks

"Why is everything ok?" I ask wiping away my tears

"Are you crying?"

"Is happy ok?"

"Y/n the Chinese Theater he was at, was bombed. He is in critical condition" he says somberly. I stop my car


Honk Honk. And I don't here it until it was too late but a Truck ploughs into the side of my car.

"Y/N!" Tony yells, but that is the last thing I hear.


so some of you may hate what is coming up, but trust the process.

Anyway don't forget to comment and vote :))

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