Part 27 ♥︎

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"Damnnnnn Rin." Osamu said, staring at his boyfriend with big eyes. "Ya, I-"

"A little flustered there bro?" Atsumu said,

Osamu just shoved his twin's face, not taking his eyes away from his boyfriend.

"Yer so gorgeous, ya know that?" Osamu said, walking over to Suna and wrapping his arms around the other's waist, kissing him lightly.

"Thank you, love. I think you're very handsome too." said Suna, kissing Osamu's forehead.

At this, Atsumu made a fake gagging noise and spoke up.

"Uh... yeah, hi. I'm still here and I'm starving so let's get going before this turns into a porn show." Suna laughed but Osamu turned pink.

"Shut up, let's just go." he said, shoving his twin's face once more.

They headed out to the car, Atsumu insisting that he drive but Osamu shot him down saying he didn't want Atsumu driving in case he got dizzy again. So, pouting, Atsumu sat in the back as they made their way downtown.

"Where do ya want to eat Tsumu?" Osamu asked.
Thinking for a moment, Atsumu responded.

"How about the Sushi Grill?"

"I'm down." Suna said.

"Okay cool." Osamu agreed, turning his blinker on.

After another minute, they got out of the car in the parking lot of a cute small restaurant called The Sushi Grill and walked in.

"Hello, how can I help you?" a friendly looking girl asked when they came in. Atsumu felt like he had seen her somewhere but he couldn't place his finger on it.

"Table for 3 please." Atsumu said, as he was in front of the other two who were holding hands.

"Okay! Right this way please." she smiled and led them to a booth by the window. "Here you are."

"Thank you!" They all sat down, looking around.

"God it's been ages since we've been here hasn't it." Suna said.

"Yeah, but it's good to see not much has changed." agreed Osamu.

They all grabbed menu's and started thinking about what they were going to get. When the sweet young woman came back and asked what drinks they would like, Osamu spoke up first.

"Could I please have a Diet Coke?"

"I'll go with a Ginger Lime Diet Coke." Suna said.

The Waitress nodded, writing the orders down, then looked up at Atsumu with a smile and sweet eyes, her brown hair falling out of it's ponytail holder.

"And for you?" she asked. Just then, Atsumu knew where he had seen her.

"Hina!" he exclaimed. The girl looked taken aback but smiled kindly at him.

"Yeah, that's me. How did you know my name?" she asked, slightly puzzled.

Osamu and Suna were both giving Atsumu looks like he had lost his mind.

"You work at the Pet Store! As the clinic secretary. You helped my friend and I adopt our cat!" A flicker of recognition crossed her face before she broke out into a grin again.

"Yes! I remember you now! You and that tall curly haired fellow adopted the blond kitten. Hoshi was it? How is he doing?" she asked.

"Really well, Omi takes such great care of him. We should send him a picture of us!" Atsumu said, enthusiastically.

"We should!" Hina responded with as much enthusiasm as Atsumu.

He whipped out his phone and leaned over towards Hina who smiled happily at the camera. He snapped a picture and then smiled at her again.

"Thanks so much! I'll let you get back to work now." he said.

"Of course! And before I go, what would you like to drink?" she asked, laughing.

"Oh gosh, my bad. I'll have a strawberry lemonade please!" she laughed and waved as she walked back towards the kitchen.

"Tsumu, how did you recognize her?" Suna asked.

"Oh, like I said, she helped us out at the vet. And I knew because of her hair. It's all brown except two blond streaks in the front. Hina's also super sweet."

"Yeah she was really nice." Osamu said.

A few minutes later Hina came back with the drinks and they all ordered their food. Osamu got Onigiri, Suna got Salmon, and Atsumu got Sushi.

As Osamu put his arm around Suna and started sipping fondly on his Diet Coke, Atsumu pulled out his phone to text Sakusa.

Atsu: Hey, didja change my name???

Omi-Omi <3: Yeah, what about it?

Atsu: Nothing, I like it. ☺️

Atsu: Anyway, look who I ran into while I was out at dinner with Samu and Suna.

*Image Attachment*

Omi-Omi <3: Who's that?

Atsu: It's Hina from the vet clinic. She helped us when we adopted Hoshi.

Omi-Omi <3: Oh yeah! She was super nice.

Atsu: Ikr! Anyway, she asked how Hoshi was doing and I told her great!

Omi-Omi <3: Yeah, he's doing really well.

*Image Attachment*

Omi-Omi <3: Now stop being a loser and texting me while you're at dinner with your brother.

Atsu: Mean Omi! Fine, I'll talk to ya later tonight!

Omi-Omi <3: See ya Atsu.

Before closing his phone Atsumu tapped on the image Sakusa had sent him and had to hold himself back from letting an 'awww' out.
There was a picture of Hoshi in the arms of someone who he assumed was either Omi or Ko.

Osamu, Suna, and Atsumu started talking like they always did, arguing and laughing, and cracking jokes. When Hina came back with the food, Atsumu showed her the picture and she insisted he send it to her so she gave him her number and he sent her the picture. Hina thanked him over and over again and of course Atsumu said it was no problem at all.

They all started eating their food happily and Atsumu was glad he was able to spend time with his brother and one of his childhood friends.
Ya-hoo Boos!

I know it was yesterday but Happy Halloween!!!!! 🎃👻🌕 And for my lovely readers who celebrate it, Happy Dia de los Muertos!!! If you celebrate a different holiday that I didn't mention, please let me know because I would love to learn about your cultures!!!

Sorry this chapter seemed kinda choppy, it's the transition to an event that'll happen next chapter (a not so good one 😣) and I didn't have the most time in the wild to spend on it. It's already 11:30 pm here so I will be going to sleep now.

One more thing, I realized today I'm dragging this story out A LOT. I didn't realize how long it is. Do you guys want me to start to wrap it up quickly or do y'all not mind that it's so long.  😅😅😅

Anyways, have an amazing week and I'm sending all my love and good vibes to you so remember to smile on and take it one step at a time. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

(Sorry for the super long Author Note 😅❤️)

~ Aspen-san <3

𝑊𝑖𝑑𝑒 𝐸𝑦𝑒𝑠 ~ 𝐴 𝑆𝑎𝑘𝑢𝑎𝑡𝑠𝑢 𝑆𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑦 (𝑆𝑘𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝐴𝑈)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum