Part 8 ♡︎

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It was a Sunday and Atsumu woke up to the sun shining brightly through the crack in his curtains and birds singing sweet melodies. Having no practice this morning, he sat up and rubbed his eyes, letting out a sleepy yawn. 'What should I do today?' he thought to himself. Slipping out of bed, he walked into the kitchen where he smelled eggs and steamed rice. He heard two voices and saw the heads of his twin and his twin's boyfriend.
"Mornin' Samu, mornin' Sunarin." Atsumu greeted them while sitting down at the high bar. (Idk what to call it but the counter you sit on tall stools at)
"Oh hey Tsumu. Ya want some breakfast?" Osamu asked as he was the one cooking the food.
"Yes please! Thanks Samu." Osamu set a plate in front of his brother who started eating happily.
"Gosh, ya seem hungry after last night." the grey haired male said as he pointed the spatula at the blond.
"Woah, what happened last night?" Suna questioned the twins. They looked at each other and then Atsumu grinned back at Suna while Osamu just rolled his eyes.
"Apparently Tsumu goes on adventures in the middle of the night once in awhile." Osamu said sarcastically.
"They're not adventures Samu, I jus go skatin' when I can't sleep sometimes and that happens to be at like 2:00 in the morning for the most part." Suna's jaw dropped at Atsumu's words.
"You go to the rink to practice in the middle of the night on a regular basis?" Suna asked. Atsumu nodded and Osamu continued on about the past night's events.
"Yeah, and guess who he saw there... Sakusa." he said, giving Suna a knowing look. Suna stared back and then glanced at Atsumu who looked at them puzzled.
"So Tsumu, what did you and Sakusa talk about mostly or do last night." Suna asked him, keeping a friendly curious tone.
"Oh, Omi and I jus talked about friends and skatin' and stuff like that." he said, rubbing his legs nervously. He was clearly leaving the part where Omi said he was a safe person out. He knew Sakusa wouldn't want him blabbering that to everyone.
"Wait who?" questioned the black haired male, looking curiously at both twins.
"Sakusa. Ya know how his first name is Kiyoomi? Omi is jus what Tsumu calls him I guess, though I still think we're talkin' about completely different people cause the Sakusa I know would never let anyone call em' something dumb like that." Osamu said. Atsumu slapped his arm, pouting.
"Its not dumb Samu!"
"Wait, he doesn't really let you call him that, does he?" Suna asked. Atsumu just nodded at him and finished the food on his plate. Suna gaped at Osamu who nodded.
"Can I have some more food please, Samu?"
"Hey, I'll take some more too. Thanks Samu."
"Sure, hand me yer plates."
As Osamu was getting more food Atsumu rested his chin on the counter top and sighed.
"What's up with you?" Suna asked him.
"Ah, nothing. I jus realized I have no way of contactin' Omi and I wanna talk to' em. You don have his number, do ya Samu?" Atsumu looked at his brother hopefully but Osamu just shook his head.
' "Nah, sorry bro. He didn' give anyone on the team his number."
"Hmm, I think I know someone who might know where to get his number." said Suna, placing his chin in his hands and thinking hard.
"Really Sunarin? Yer amazin'! Where do ya think we can find it?" Atsumu asked enthusiastically.
"Well, Kuroo knows him better than I do but I have a friend named Daishou. We're not super close anymore but I think I might still have his number somewhere on my phone. Anyway, Daishou's boyfriend is Komori, Sakusa's cousin. Sakusa and Komori seem pretty close so I'll assume he has his number so I can see if Daishou can ask Komori if you want." Suna explained.
"That would be great Rin, thank ya!" Atsumu squealed excitedly, but then let out a loud yawn.
"Oi, Samu do we have any coffee left?" Atsumu asked him, needing the caffeine.
"Ugh sorry Tsumu, we jus ran out yesterday." Osamu apologized.
"It's alright. I'm gonna head to Boka Doka for a latte then." He said as he finished his food and headed to his room to get dressed. He put on one of his favorite outfits. A pair of white jeans, a Coke a Cola T-Shirt and his comfiest pair of Nike sneakers. And he couldn't forget the pink mini backpack which he shoved his keys, sun glasses, earbuds, wallet, and phone in.
(Atsumu's outfit below)

When Atsumu was done getting ready we waved goodbye to his brother and Suna who were cuddling on the couch and started the walk down the street to his favorite coffee shop, Boka Doka

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When Atsumu was done getting ready we waved goodbye to his brother and Suna who were cuddling on the couch and started the walk down the street to his favorite coffee shop, Boka Doka. He put in his earbuds and the song Love Someone by Lukas Graham came on and Atsumu found himself wiping a tear off his cheek. Who... who would ever love him like this? Who would love him enough to sing him a song like that? He really didn't think anyone would. But he wiped the tears away and by the time he reached the coffee shop the song was over and so were the tears. He walked inside and inhaled the familiar scent of vanilla and roasted coffee grounds. Atsumu got in line and, spotting his favorite employee, waved enthusiastically to her. She was him and grinned back. Finally, it was his turn to order and he stepped up to the counter, greeting his friend.
"Hi Yachi-chan! Omg ya look super cute today, I love yer skirt!"
"Awh thanks Tsumu! I'm assuming you'll take the usual?" Yachi replied with a smile.
"Gyah, ya know me so well babe."
He paid for his latte and went to sit in his usual corner seat by the window. Atsumu always loved to people watch. He glanced at the faces and outfits of the passing citizens. Some people he knew from previous times sitting in that corner window but many were new faces. He liked coming up with stories about their lives. There was your average person but then there were the people who were secret spies and others who struggled with rent and being a young actress. He thought of every scenario for all kinds of people but his favorite thing was seeing the occasional person with a small smile on their face. He loved it because you didn't know why they were smiling. They could have just made a new friend, they could have been proposed to, they could have just come out to someone, they could have just completely and utterly rejected someone. But no matter the reason, they were smiling to themselves, thinking no one could see them, that no one noticed. Atsumu loved to catch those small moments.
    "Hey Tsumu! Here's your latte, and as of right now, I'm on break so what's the latest tea? What's new with you?" Yachi asked as she came and sat across from Atsumu.
    "Oh hey girl! And nothin' new. Still no boyfriend and still skatin' so pretty much the same. What about ya? How's Kiyoko?" Atsumu said to her.
    "Ugh, I'm sorry 'bout that Tsumu. I'm sure you'll meet someone soon. And Kiyoko is good! She just finished her finals and got amazing grades as usual so we're gonna go on a date tomorrow night!" she said excitedly.
    "Eek! I'm so excited for ya! Be sure to send me a pic of yer outfit!"
    "For sure Tsumu! Listen, my break is over but I'll text you later okay?" Yachi said as she got up and waved at him.
    "Yep, bye Yachi-chan!" Atsumu said. He was finished with his latte so he got up to go throw it away and head home but as he walked towards the garbage can someone stepped in front of him and he bumped into their back.
    "Oh gosh I'm so sorry!"
Hiya Boos! So I hope you guys enjoyed this weeks chapters. The new chapters that I'm releasing are averaging at about 1321 words. Let me know if ya catch any mistakes or have any feedback.

Sorry this chapter got a bit sad lol I was feeling a bit down while writing this chapter so that's why.

I will be on vacation next Monday so I will try my best to post but I'm not sure if WiFi will be the best. If I do not post on Monday I will for sure post as soon as I get back.

Have a good week and please be kind to yourself. Love you all!

~Aspen-san <3

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