Part 25 ♥︎

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"Ah shit." he said, letting his head thump against the hard ice. He heard shouts and the sounds of skates racing towards him.

"SHIIIIIT!" he yelled out, frustrated with himself. Osamu and Sakusa finally reached him.

"WHAT THE HELL TSUMU. WHY WOULD YA-" Atsumu cut him off.

"IT'S THE ONLY WAY I CAN BEAT HIM, SAMU. IT'S THE ONLY WAY." he said, hitting his fists against the ice.

"Atsu-" Omi started but Osamu wasn't paying attention to him.

"Wait what? What do ya mean it's the only way ya can beat him. Beat who?" he said, scowling.

"Nezari. The backflip would get me enough points to beat him hypothetically but not if I hit my ass every time I do it."

"Tsumu, ya- are ya sure there aren't other ways? I mean, yer amazing, yer so talented, ya shouldn't have to put harm to yerself just tryin' to beat him." Osamu said, finally sad, looking at his brother laying on the ice.

"Samu, please. It means everything ta me. I need to beat him, for ya, for the skaters, for all the people who have spent so much time and effort on me. I'm not that special. The least I could do for ya guys is win."

"Tsumu we love ya no- no matter what. Ya know that right?" Osamu said, his bottom lip trembling.

Atsumu just sat up, scooting towards his brother and hugging him tightly. Osamu wrapped his arms around Atsumu and squeezed him back, letting his forehead rest on the other's shoulder.

"I know Samu, and thats why yer my best friend, because I know ya would support me through anything. But that doesn't stop me from feelin' guilty."

"Okay, okay I get it. But let me help. I'll work with ya, and with Sakusa who I'm assuming is already helping ya?" he said, finally breaking the hug and looking between the two.

"Yeah, he's probably the only reason I'm not still working on that move right now. He makin' sure I take care of myself, don worry." Atsumu said, turning towards the black haired male and grinning.
Sakusa's cheeks turned pink and he just shrugged.

"Thanks man, for being such a great friend to Tsumu." Osamu said. Sakusa just nodded in response, smiling a little.

"Well he makes it easy."

"Since I make it so easy Omi, why don't ya come here and help my cold ass off the ice." Atsumu said, raising an eyebrow at the taller male. Sakusa laughed.

"You're so needy sometimes." he said, bending down.

He grabbed Atsumu's hand with one of his and wrapped the other around his waist, pulling the blond close to him so he was supporting most of his weight. But as soon as they were both standing, Atsumu swayed on the spot, clutching onto Sakusa.

"Woah, Atsu you okay? What's wrong?" he asked, worried.

"Ah I just, I think hitting my back and head made me a little dizzy. I kinda have a headache."

"Ya wanna head home Tsumu?" Osamu asked.

"Uh, yeah I think so." he said, taking a shaky breath, putting a cold hand to his forehead. He and Sakusa skated a bit towards the exit before Atsumu spoke up.

"Nope, not happening." he said, sinking to the floor.

"Tsumu, talk to me. What's wrong?" Osamu asked, concern in his voice.

"I just- everything is spinning," he replied.

"Atsu, I'm gonna pick you up okay? It might be a sudden movement but that way we can get you somewhere where you can sit down." Atsumu nodded in response to Omi and braced himself. Sakusa bent down and easily picked up the blond male.

"Is that okay?" Atsumu just nodded again, resting his head against the other boy's chest. Sakusa and Osamu hurried towards the edge of the rink while the skaters came over to see what had happened.

They all stood back making sure not to crowd around the 3 boys but they were all asking worried questions, one's at which Osamu and Sakusa had no time to answer right now.

Suna then hurried up with Atsumu's bags in his hands. Sakusa stood still for a second so Suna and Osamu could undo Atsumu's laces and take his skates off. As they were putting them in his bag, Suna grabbed Osamu's face in his hands and kissed him lightly.

"Hey. Look at me. Are you alright?" Suna asked his boyfriend.

"I- yeah I'm okay."

"Good. Remember, as long as you're okay, he's okay. And as long as he's okay, you're okay. You guys made each other that promise. So if you're okay right now, he's okay. Tsumu has never broken one of his promises to you has he?" Suna asked. Osamu shook his head and smiled a little.

"Yer right, thanks rin." he kissed the dark haired male's forehead and they headed out of the rink with Sakusa and Atsumu. They made their way out to Osamu's car and he and Suna got in the front seats.

"Uh, are one of you guys gonna sit back here with him to make sure he's okay?" Sakusa asked, puzzled.

"Oh, we thought ya were coming too." Osamu said, shrugging.

"Oh yeah, is that okay?" asked Sakusa.

"Of course, he kinda needs ya right now." Sakusa turned the tiniest bit pink but luckily the two in the front seat couldn't see because of the mask he was wearing. He got into the back seat, Atsumu still holding onto him.

"You okay back there Tsumu? Do ya want the heat on?" Suna asked.

"Yes please." the blond replied in a muffled voice due to the fact that his head was buried in Sakusa's sweatshirt. The black haired male could feel Atsumu's body tremble a little in his hands and only now did he realize that the blue sweatshirt he was wearing was soaked through with cold water.

He squeezed Atsumu tighter to him. When they got back to the apartment Sakusa carried Atsumu in while Osamu unlocked the door.

"Hey Tsumu, does yer head still hurt?" Osamu asked, going to the bathroom cabinet to grab Ibuprofen.

"Not as bad as before. Nothin's spinnin' anymore, I just have a little headache now."

"Okay good. Here," Osamu said, handing 2 small orange pills to Atsumu who took them with a glass of water.

"Where's your room Atsu?" Sakusa asked. Atsumu pointed him towards the room on the right of the apartment. "Can I set you down?"

"Yeah, I'm okay now. Thanks Omi." Atsumu said, still rather quiet for himself.

He grabbed sweatpants and a new sweatshirt and went to go change. Sakusa stood there, looking around Atsumu's room.

There was a nice, small, wooden desk in the corner with a laptop on it that was covered in stickers. In the center of the back was a queen sized bed with a mess of fuzzy blankets and a thick grey comforter.

Next to it was a small nightstand with a water bottle and a picture in a frame of Atsumu and Osamu on their birthday when they were little. The walls were lined with band posters and a large cork board that was filled with pictures of Atsumu and his friends.

There were ones from competitions, many of him Oikawa and Tendou, some of his brother, Suna, and himself. They varied from childhood, to highschool, to some now from college. He smiled as he looked over some of them but he stopped abruptly when he spotted one.

He was on there.
Ya-hoo Boos!

Not much for this week in terms of announcements. Thank you all so much for reading and I hope you still enjoy this story!!!

I love you all so much and you deserve the world and more. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

~ Aspen-san <3

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