Part 19 ♥︎

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"What?" he asked defensilvy.

    "Uhm, the sexual tension between you too is almost too much." Komori said.

    "I barely even know the dude and all I saw was you too giving each other eyes the whole time he was here." Daishou added.

    "Y-you, I wasn't... t-that's not what happened." he said startled.

    "Whatever you say man." said Daishou, shrugging.

    "Kiyo," Komori set Hoshi on his boyfriend's lap and walked over to his cousin and placed his hands on his shoulders. "You need to listen to me. Atsumu is worth it. He cares about you."

    "No. Ko, I can't risk this friendship for anything. Even on the slightest chance he does like me like I like him, I won't know because I will not risk ruining what I already have with him. He means everything to me, and it scares me to even think of him not speaking to me anymore." Komori could hear the hurt in his cousin's voice and it made him sad.

    "Okay." he said quietly.

Sakusa nodded sadly and then walked to his room, saying something about showering. Komori sat back down on the couch, sighing dejectedly. Daishou pulled him over and wrapped his arms around the boy.

    "Hey, if it's meant to be it'll happen." he assured his boyfriend.

    "I know I just, it kills me to see him like this. I wish he wasnt so stupid and saw how much Atsumu cares for him." he said, snuggling his head into Daishou's shoulder.

    "It'll work out I promise." said the green haired male, kissing the other boy's head.

Meanwhile with Sakusa

Sakusa stepped into the shower letting the hot water hit his skin. He took a deep breath and sighed loudly, thinking. 'Did Atsumu like him or is he just being nice because that's how he naturally is?' 'Would he ever consider dating a germaphobe like him?' 'Was he even good enough for Atsumu?'

His thoughts raced and he cracked his knuckles nervously. Normally taking a steamy shower would clear Sakusa's mind but right now all he could think about was one specific blond.

Back at the Miya's Apartment

Atsumu walked in and closed the door behind him, smiling to himself. He basically just spent the whole day with one of his favorite people, why wouldn't he be happy.

    "I'm back Samu!" he called out.

    "In my room!" he heard his brother respond.

Atsumu glanced at the clock as he heard his stomach growl. It had been a while since he and Omi had gotten lunch together and it was about dinner time. He knocked on his brother's door lightly and walked in.

    "Hey, how was the vet? Was the kitten okay?" Osamu asked when he walked in.

    "Yeah! He was so sweet and he ended up bein' okay! I was sad 'cause I knew I couldn't keep him 'cause of yer allergies but Omi ended up adoptin' him so I could still see him!"

    "Wait, he adopted the cat jus so ya could see him?" Osamu asked.

    "Well he also likes animals and Ko had been wantin' a pet so he got him." he explained.

    "Hmm, okay. Did you have a good time?"

    "Yeah! It was great spendin' time with Omi and Hoshi and I got ta meet Daishou, Ko's boyfriend." Atsumu said excitedly.


    "Hey, I made sure to eat a good lunch but that was a while ago and I'm kinda hungry so..." the blond trailed off looking hopefully at his brother.

Osamu rolled his eyes as he started to get out of bed to make them food but when he drew back the covers he was under, Atsumu saw a large ice pack on his ankle.

    "Oi, what happened? Are ya alright?" Atsumu asked, a bit concerned seeing as Osamu was limping to the kitchen.

    "Oh I'm fine, I just got bladed at practice and my ankle isn't in great shape."

    "Are ya sure Samu? It looks pretty swollen. You should tell the trainer and take a bit of time off practice." Atsumu said to his brother as he limped around the kitchen, gathering the supplies to make fried rice.

    "Eh, it's really not a huge deal. I don want anyone ta worry and I definitely don't wanna take time off practice. Plus, if I'm not going to practice, who's gonna keep an eye on your dumbass for me" said Osamu, brandishing a wooden spoon towards the blond.

    "EH? I AIN'T A DUMBASS!" Atsumu said angrily.

    "I know, I'm just jokin' with ya. Kinda. I do still prefer ta be there in case, ya know, something happens again. That time ya got all winded had me really anxious and I was worried 'bout ya."

    "Samu, I'm okay I promise. I'm sorry for making ya so worried and I won't do it again."

    "Damn right ya won't because if I don't kick yer ass I know Sakusa will now." Atsumu let out an audible gulp.

    "Movin' on, does Sunarin know about yer ankle?"
At this, Osamu looked sheepishly away. "Samu! So ya we're just plannin' on not tellin' anyone?!"

    "Well, when ya say it like that it sounds bad!" Osamu said, plating the food.

    "Ugh, fine. You don't have to tell the trainer or take a break from practice but at least be sure to keep an eye on it and ice it every night. Also, tell Sunarin. He'll be mad and more worried if you don't" Atsumu said, grabbing a plate and starting to eat.

    "Who's the one taking care of who now?" Osamu said smirking and the two of them sat down and ate dinner together, enjoying each other's company.
Ya-hoo Boos!

So because school started and I have volleyball after school I might be posting later than I usually do. Before I was posting at around 8:30am my time. Now I'm gonna have to post about 8:30-9:00pm. I hope this isn't too troublesome and I'm sorry for any inconvenience.

Anyways, have a fantastic week and stay safe. Take care of yourself and just know I love you always!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

~ Aspen-san

𝑊𝑖𝑑𝑒 𝐸𝑦𝑒𝑠 ~ 𝐴 𝑆𝑎𝑘𝑢𝑎𝑡𝑠𝑢 𝑆𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑦 (𝑆𝑘𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝐴𝑈)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum