chapter 21 Iceleap

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They were walking to the gathering

I can't wait to see Cherrycall again are night time meetings have completely stopped Iceleap thought

And they got there

Stormclan was not there yet

So he started looking for Cherrycall

And he found her at the back of the clearing

"Why aren't you with the other deputys" Iceleap asked

"Because I retired" Cherrycall answered

"What! Cherrycall retire I don't believe it" Iceleap said

"My mother died from a fox attack and I wanted to spend more time with my father" Cherrycall said

"Oh Cherrycall I'm sorry" Iceleap replied

He turned to look at Heavystar who had cobwebs over one of his shoulders

"Who is the new deputy and is it someone you approve of" Iceleap asked

"It's Scarletrose and as you know I trained her so she be the perfect next deputy" Cherrycall answered

"But does you being a elder mean we have to stop seeing each other now" Iceleap asked quietly

"I don't know" Cherrycall answered quietly

I love her too much if I well only be able to see her at gatherings it well be hard Iceleap thought

He saw Stormclan come into the clearing

And he watched Wolfmoon and Eaglestar walk to the hill

Eaglestar ran up to the other leaders

And they talked for a little bit

"Let the gathering begin" Kinkstar called

"The fox we sentted near our camp got in a killed one of our elders Deerflower and Cherrycall retired and Scarletrose is the new deputy" Heavystar said

"Scarletrose! Scarletrose! Scarletrose!" the clans cheerd

"Stormclan is doing fine we have Shadowstalker coming to his first gathering as a warrior" Eaglestar said

"Shadowstalker Shadowstalker" the clans cheerd

"Dewclan is also doing fine and we have two new warriors here Pondgaze and Shardheart" Webstar said

"Pondgaze Shardheart Pondgaze Shardheart" the clans cheerd

"Pineclan is doing fine as well no new warriors or apprentices" Kinkstar said

"Of course he had to say that because the other three clans had something new" Iceleap said

"And that brings this moon's gathering to un end" Heavystar said

"I'll be waiting to see you at the next gathering" Cherrycall said and she walked off towards her clan-mate's

"Come on dewclan let's go" Webstar called

And he walked back to dewclan camp

"Hey Iceleap did you see the way Cloudfrost and Shadowstalker acted towards each other" Streamsong asked

"No why" Iceleap replied

"Because I think they are going to be future mates" Streamsong answered

"You did good training Pondgaze" Iceleap said

"I know" Streamsong replied

"Hey catch up or we are leaving you two behind" Shardheart said

And they ran to catch up with there clan-mate's

Him and Pondgaze have basically swapped personality Iceleap thought

And they walked back into camp

He walked to the warriors den and walked inside

And he lyed down in his nest and went to sleep

He had no dreams that night

He got up in the morning to Owlfang shaking him awake

"Come on your on the dawn patrol with us" Owlfang said

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