chapter 15 Duskmoon

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Duskmoon was going to the border to see Scarletrose again

And when he got there he found a inpatient looking Scarletrose

"Oh your here now" Scarletrose said

"Yep" Duskmoon replied

"I can't stay long Cherrycall retired and I'm the deputy now" Scarletrose said

"Why what happened" Duskmoon asked

"A fox attacked the camp and Deerflower died" Scarletrose answered

"Oh my" Duskmoon said

Nightclan is going through some hard times Duskmoon thought

"But has Pineclan had anything happen" Scarletrose asked

"No just the same old stuff" Duskmoon answered

"Well I better get back to camp before my clan-mate's start wondering who is going on the dawn patrol" Scarletrose joked

"Well bye" Duskmoon said and gave Scarletrose a small smile

And he started walking back to camp

I bet newleaf makes nightclan territory beautiful Duskmoon thought

He looked up the stars that were starting to fade be dawn was coming soon

It would be nice to always be with Scarletrose but I'm also a loyal Pineclan warrior and I know that Scarletrose wouldn't want to leave her clan Duskmoon thought

When he walked into camp

"I see you were out again" Mossfur said

"Yeah was going for a walk" Duskmoon replied

He had walked through a clump of ferns before he got back to camp so it would disguise Scarletrose's sent on him

"You walked through a clump of ferns... well anyway you are leading the dawn patrol" Mossfur said

"Who m'I taking with me" Duskmoon asked

"Blazepelt Ravenrose and Goldenfang" Mossfur answered

And he waited for the others who would be on the dawn patrol to come

Goldenfang came first then Ravenrose and finally Blazepelt

"You took your time" Goldenfang said grumpy

"Sorry" Blazepelt replied

"Come on let's go" Duskmoon said

They walked to the with Nightclan with Duskmoon in the lead

He quickly covered up his old sent that he was here with Scarletrose

"That Nightclan warrior crossed our border again" Blazepelt said

"And it smells like it's the nightclan warrior Scarletrose" Goldenfang said

"I don't understand why she is crossing the border because there is no signs that she'd stole prey" Duskmoon said

"Well let's finish so we can report to Kinkstar that the nightclan warrior crossed the border again" Blazepelt said

"Good idea" Duskmoon replied

And they finished the patrol and return to camp

"The nightclan warrior was on our territory again" Blazepelt said

"We need to find out why they keep crossing our border" Kinkstar said

Hopefully they don't find out about me and Scarletrose Duskmoon thought

"What happens if one of our warriors are seeing them in secret" Blazepelt asked

"They won't my cats our loyal to there clan" Kinkstar replied

"Now out of my den" Kinkstar said

And they left the den

"Duskmoon I'm just saying that I don't trust that everyone is completely loyal" Blazepelt said

"Why are you telling me" Duskmoon asked

"Because I know your secret" Blazepelt answered

"What secret" Duskmoon asked

"The one about you and that nightclan she-cat" Blazepelt answered

It felt as tho the camp went cold as Blazepelt said it

"The only reason that I haven't said anything about it until now is because no cat would trust me... but now if you get on my bad side I'll say something" Blazepelt said

"Alright I won't say anything bad about you" Duskmoon replied

And Blazepelt walked away

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