chapter 7 Snowpaw

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"Snowpaw focus or you well never learn to hunt" Cherrycall said

"I'm trying to focus" Snowpaw replied

The forest was so interesting so it was hard for her to focus

"Alright now copy me and try again" Cherrycall told her

And she crawled forward and jumped on a twig and cracked the twig causing Cherrycall to jump in surprise

"Now who isn't focusing" Snowpaw asked

"Oh just stop" Cherrycall replied

"But Now let's try the skills on real prey" Cherrycall said

And she started to sniff the air to see if she could find prey

And she quickly found a mouse and started to crawl towards it until she was close enough to jump

And she leapt and landed on the mouse

Giving it a quick killing bite

And brought it over to Cherrycall

"Hey look what I caught" Snowpaw said

"Nice" Cherrycall replied

She is probably thinking finally Snowpaw caught something Snowpaw thought

But I well show her how good I'm Snowpaw thought

And looked around for more prey

I want to fill the fresh-kill pile so no cat go's hungry Snowpaw thought

She spotted a vole sneaking out of under a bush

Is that it's den Snowpaw wondered

And she began to sneak up on it until she was close enough

And she jumped landing on the vole but it ran out of under her paws and back into the bush

Mouse-dung Snowpaw thought

She got up and noticed that she wasn't near her mentor

Where did Cherrycall go Snowpaw wondered

But at least she didn't see that horrible attempt and catching a vole Snowpaw thought

She looked for more prey to catch

She walked towards the sent of a bird and started to crawl until she was a tail-length away from it

And she jumped landing on the bird and gave it a quick killing bite

"Thank you starclan for this prey" Snowpaw said quietly

"Catch anything else" Cherrycall asked

"I Caught a robin" Snowpaw answered

"Good job" Cherrycall replied

"Well let's get back to camp" Cherrycall said

And she went back and grabbed her mouse

And walked beside Cherrycall

And they got back to camp

I wish I could be as good of a hunter as Galaxypaw Snowpaw thought

"Did you catch those all by yourself" Silverpeace asked

She dropped her prey on the fresh-kill pile

"Yes I did" Snowpaw answered

"That's wonderful" Silverpeace replied

She is probably thinking finally Snowpaw caught something Snowpaw thought

She watched as Primrosestep came over to Cherrycall

"Cherrycall I'm wondering who is my father" Primrosestep asked

"I don't want to say" Cherrycall answered

"Oh well I'll go see if Scarletrose knows because I want to know" Primrosestep replied

"I wish I could help her" Silverpeace said

"Me to" Snowpaw aggred

If I could help all my clan-mate's I would Snowpaw thought

"Why don't we get something to eat" Silverpeace suggested

And they each grabbed a vole from the pile

And began to eat

I wonder what my warrior name well be Snowpaw thought

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