chapter 12 Scarletrose

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Scarletrose got up out of her nest and walked out of the warriors den

From how many cats were in camp Scarletrose could guess that Cherrycall already sent out the dawn patrols

"Tonight is the gathering are you excited" Deerflower asked

"Yes I'm" Scarletrose replied

I have been wondering how the other clans have been Scarletrose thought

"We should really keep more warriors in camp because what happens if a fox attacks" Brightfern said

"Why don't you suggest to Cherrycall when she gets back" Scarletpaw suggested

"That's a good idea I well do that" Brightfern replied

And the dawn patrol returned to camp

Her sister Silverpeace walked over

"Hi Scarletrose" Silverpeace said

"Hi how are you doing" Scarletrose asked

"I'm doing good" Silverpeace answered

"Hey Scarletrose" Stagtail said

"Hi" Scarletrose replied

At the gathering

"Hi I'm Scarletrose who are you" Scarletrose asked

"I'm Shadowpaw and this is Cloudfrost" Shadowpaw answered

"You look a little old to be a paw" Scarletrose replied

"I joined Stormclan" Shadowpaw said

"Oh okay and I'm from Nightclan" Scarletrose replied

"Hi Scarletrose who are you talking to" Galaxypaw asked

Sunpaw was beside her

"This is a new friend his name is Shadowpaw" Scarletrose answered

"Hi Scarletrose a friend of mine wanted to meet you" Duskmoon said

"Okay what's her name" Scarletrose asked

"Her name is Skydawn" Duskmoon answered

"Now all we would need is a cat from dewclan to join our group and then we would have a all clan friend group" Duskmoon said

And the intier group started giggling

"One more apprentice and we could beat you" Galaxypaw said

"Galaxypaw is right" Scarletrose said

"Are you saying that I lie" Galaxypaw asked

"Yes I'm" Scarletrose answered

Galaxypaw is fun to be around Scarletrose thought

"Let the gathering begin" Webstar called

And the talking cats went quite

"Stormclan is doing fine we have a new apprentice among us named Shadowpaw and the prey is running well" Eaglestar said

"Nightclan is also doing fine are prey is running well but we have caught fox sent near our camp" Heavystar said

"Pineclan is doing fine and our prey is running well but we have caught Nightclan sent on our side of the border" Kinkstar said

She knew that was her and Duskmoon's fault but she liked hanging out with him

"Dewclan is also doing good and the fish have been swimming well" Webstar said

And the leaders ran down the hill towards there clan-mate's

"Come on Nightclan it is time to go home" Heavystar called to his cats

And the cats of nightclan followed him home

To find Sunheart and Driftfoot being attacked by a fox and Deerflower lying on the ground injured behind them

Cherrycall and Heavystar ran over to help

And the fox bit down hard on Heavystar's shoulder

Cherrycall made the fox let go and they chased it out of camp

Brightfern ran over to Deerflower

But after a little bit she got up

"She's dead" Brightfern said

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