chapter 5 Blazepelt

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Blazepelt walked through the dark forest looking for the cat who had been training him in there ways

Aspenlight came out behind him but he didn't notice

"Where do you think your going" Aspenlight asked

"I was trying to find you" Blazepelt answered

This place is so confusing because everything looks the same here Blazepelt thought

"Today you well be learning how to do the killing bite" Aspenlight said

And they trained until the night was over

"I better go now I don't want my clan to be suspicious of me if I want to be leader" Blazepelt said

And he woke up in his nest

"Blazepelt let's go hunting" Dawnbreeze said

"I guess" Blazepelt replied

Soon no cat well question me or tell me what to do Blazepelt thought

"You are so thoughtful" Dawnbreeze said

"I know" Blazepelt replied

He could hear a birds chirping and he saw one on the ground

It looks too small to flying so this one is going to be un easy catch Blazepelt thought

And he started to crawl towards it

And once he was close enough to just he leapt and landing on bird he caught it

"Nice catch" Dawnbreeze said

And he hid it so no one else would find it

"I know because I caught it" Blazepelt replied

"But let's just keep hunting" Blazepelt said and walked away

Aspenlight thinks I'm worthless I remember him saying it to jaggedtooth

"Something on your mind" Dawnbreeze asked

"Nothing wrong" Blazepelt replied

And they continued hunting and caught several more pieces of prey and returned to camp both of there jaws were full of prey

He dropped his prey onto the fresh-kill pile and walked over to a spot on the edge of camp where he liked to sit

If I can become leader I can show Aspenlight that I'm not some worthless kit Blazepelt thought

But apparently I need to train a apprentice before I can become Deputy Blazepelt thought

He heard pawsteps from just behind him so he knew that the cats that were there were outside of camp

"He is a very ambitious young cat and I don't really trust him" Mossfur said

"Well it's my decision to trust him and the word of the leader is the warrior code" Kinkstar replied

Are they talking about me Blazepelt wondered

If they are taking about me they are literally talking about me behind my back Blazepelt thought

"Come on let's go back in camp now" Mossfur suggested

And they walked away from where they were talking

And he watched Kinkstar and Mossfur walk into camp

They looked at him realizing that he heard there conversation about him

Blazepelt got up and walked over to the fresh-kill pile and grabbed a bird and walked back over to where he liked to sit

And he began to eat

And once he finished he got up and decided that he would do some more hunting

So he walked over to the entrance of the camp and walked outside

And began to hunt

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