Part 4

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??? pov

"Why didn't the meeting take place goddammit?" I threw the paper weight at both of them. Kia and Minho were clearly terrified of me, but I couldn't just take in the information. This meeting was going to ruin Taehyung's life and reputation but he fucking cancelled it in the last moment.

"Sir, his wife became sick." Kia stated. "Who is his wife?" I asked, raising my eyebrow. "Y/n." She said. "Where is her information?" Both of them kept quiet. "Sir, we didn't think she would create any problem so we didn't dig into that matter." Minho stated.

These idiots really have been testing my patience. "WHO THE HELL SAID YOU COULD THINK? YOU BRING THE INFORMATION OF ALL OF THE PEOPLE RELATED TO HIM. THAT IS YOUR WORK! NO GET LOST AND DON'T COME WITHOUT THE REQUIRED INFORMATIONS!" I threw the glass showpiece at them. They quickly ran off. I really couldn't control my anger. I had a perfect plan to destroy his reputation but his so-called wife came in between. Argh! I hate it. I will make sure you suffer Kim Taehyung.

The meeting that was held today was with his business delinquents from England. Taehyung has worked many times with them, but the project he was going to present in the meeting was something completely different from what they had expected because I changed the information about the project and he was working on a completely different one. And it wasn't as easy to make another project within a few days. It would take months and I clearly made it possible. I was going to propose the presentation in front of the foreign business delinquents but they didn't see the wrong presentation by Taehyung. And they wouldn't change their partnership just because of Taehyung cancelling the meeting. They knew Kim Taehyung never cancelled any important meeting unless the reason was of high significance.

Author's pov
In the mansion

You woke up with a stinging pain in your head. You sat up and held your hand trying to remember what happened. That was when it hit you. "Shit." You cursed under your breath. You looked around to witness an unfamiliar room. Eyes falling on a photo frame you guessed it was Taehyung's room. It looked like little Taehyung.

Suddenly in your head the clock sounds of the bathroom door opening. You turned to see Taehyung coming out of the shower, drying his hair. His eyes fell on you. "Are you alright?" He asked, making his way towards you. "Hmm." You hummed. You wanted to ask several questions. What happened in the elevator? Did you react in an uncertain way? Did you cause any trouble? But you kept those thoughts buried in your mind afraid to face the embarrassment you might have caused.

"I'm sorry if I caused you any trouble in your company." You sincerely apologised to him, but didn't dare to look up. You didn't want to meet his disappointed eyes. Your insecurities crept inside. Just the way you parents used to call you a burden and disappointment. You were yourself when you were with your grandparents but in front of a stranger you would often put up a cold and strong face.

You looked at his feet and saw him going towards the closet grabbing a tee. He then came to you and put his palm on your head. "You still have a fever. I will tell Rizi to bring your food." He was about to go but you caught his hand. Taehyung turned around to look at you.

"Did I cause any trouble?" Finally look in his eyes to meet with his disappointed look you asked him, but you didn't find anything in them but concern. "You didn't cause any trouble." He smiled a little and got out of the room.

While eating the food you saw Taehyung working on his laptop. He brought some documents from his office room and saw him working on that. After finishing the food you got up from the bed. "I will go to my room now and sorry for disturbing you." You walked towards the door but a hand on your wrist stopped you.

Contract Marriage | Kim Taehyung Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora