I was getting closer and I saw her walk over to the man, looking down at the photos he had taken of her. I could tell by her body language that she wasn't too fond of them. The way she hunched over a bit and started to talk with her hands gave it away. Also the fact that I could hear she had raised her voice at him. I felt bad for the couple and decided to walk across the small street and make myself known.

"Hello? Do you need help taking pictures?" I asked them politely. The pair both jumped at the sound of my voice and they turned around to face me. Both their eyes were wide, but the woman's eyes softened when she realized I didn't look like a threat.

"No we don't, everything is fine!" She said sweetly to me. I picked up right away that she had a faint accent, definitely australian. I've heard my fair share since my family and I always went there for small vacations. I pointed at my camera that was around my neck,

"Are you sure? I've been taking pictures all night and I can take a few for you? You could just give me an email and I can edit them and send them over to you?" I explained to her. She looked a little apprehensive about it, but looked over to the man.

Then she started to speak another language to the man. That definitely caught me off guard to say the least. I just stood there, listening to the way the language sounded. I knew it was an asian language, but I just wasn't sure which it was. But after hearing a few things I have heard before in some good old kpop, I came to the conclusion that they were speaking in korean.

That's cool.

After some discussion between the two, the woman faced me again. I could tell she was smiling because of the way her eyes smiled at me. That caused me to smile back at her.

"You can take a few pictures! I'll give you his email after!" She said cheerfully as I nodded my head. I grabbed my camera from around my neck and told her where to stand. I wanted to use the streetlights to my advantage, so I pointed over to one and told her to go underneath the light. She did just that and looked at me, waiting for other instructions,

"Okay, now just let yourself be free. Really just be in the moment, pretend no one is here. Well, there kinda really isn't anyone here," I joked with her, earning a small laugh from her. I smiled at the sound of it and she started to just move in a carefree nature. I snapped multiple photos, changing my height and distance from the woman. I pulled my camera away from my face,

"Now pretend you're in love. Let your hopeless romantic side shine. And don't say you don't have one, we all do." I told her as she nodded her head a little, thinking about what to do. She stopped for a moment, which made me curious. Usually when I tell people that, they know exactly what to do, but she doesn't. I always think that being in love brings out a different side of someone, so pretending you're in love brings out that side of you; it translates into pictures nicely. I didn't want to say anything to pressure her, but eventually she found what she wanted to do.

The woman did a few little twirls and I complimented her on them, wanting to engage myself with my subject. I've always been good at that, so I need to keep the streak alive.

"Beautiful! Fantastic!" I said to her, "Now hold your hands out and pretend to catch some snow in your hands!"

The woman did just that and I smiled to myself as she looked amazing doing such a simple thing. I got a little closer to her in order to get a proper angle and I saw her glance at me a little, making me mentally smile. I took a few more, and then called it quits.

"Thank you so much! I can't wait to see how the pictures turn out!" She said happily to me.

"It's not a problem! Now what email can I send them to? Also, it'll probably take about a few days to get them edited." I told her. She quickly gave me the email and thanked me once again. I told her it was nothing and then she started to insist that she pays for them. I shook my head, "you really don't need to."

"Please let me, it's the least I can do!" She tried to reason.

"Nope! Not going to let that happen, blondie!" I said with a laugh. She playfully rolled her eyes at the random nickname I had just given her.

"Fine. But thank you for giving us a little of your time. Have a lovely night... bluie?" I laughed at the stupid attempt at a nickname for me. But I thought it was cute that she tried, even if it was just the color of my beanie with -ie at the end. I mean, it's basically what my nickname was for her, but it just fit better.

"That was horrible, but I'll give you an A for effort," I said to her. I knew I had to get going, so I started to wrap up the conversation, "alrighty, I'm going to get going and I'll edit these pictures later! Have a nice rest of your night you two!" I said, giving them both a wave. They both waved back at me,

"Thank you again! I'll be waiting!" The woman said before the pair started walking in the direction I had come from. I heard them start to converse in Korean once again as we started to get further apart. I had a smile plastered on my face for the whole walk back to my apartment. I walked in the building and took the stairs since the elevator still wasn't working. Thankfully I only live on the third floor, so I wasn't breathing too heavily at the end. I took off my right glove and fished my keys out of my pocket. I got them and put them in the lock, turning it and then opening my door.

My cat Apollo greeted me right away. His little orange body came slightly jogging around the corner. I crouched down and started to pet him after closing the door and locking it.

"Hey buddy, it looks like you were sleeping." I said to him. Apollo meowed while stretching and I smiled, standing up and getting some food out for him. He ran right over to it and started to eat the dry food. I then took off all of my snow gear and hung it up by the front door. I went over and turned on the heat and grabbed the blanket I just threw on the couch this morning and wrapped it around my body. I placed my camera on the coffee table and went into my bedroom to grab my laptop.

Apollo had finished his food and was now lying comfortably on his little cat bed underneath the small fake christmas tree I have. I smiled at him and went to sit down on the couch, making myself comfortable. I hooked up my camera to my laptop and downloaded all the pictures I had taken this evening. It took a little while, so I just scrolled through Instagram to pass the time. Soon they were all downloaded and my mind told me to look at the woman's photos first.

So that's what I did.

I found them easily and opened up the first one. Seeing her in the photo really took my breath away. I knew I would barely have any editing to do because she was just so photogenic. It's like she's been in front of a camera many times. I caught myself staring at the picture for a longer time than normal. I shook my head, but I just thought one thing,

What a moment.

ayeee, there's the first chapter of my new book for ya! hopefully u like how it started bc i do lol. so basics: we are a freelance photographer, graduated college already, 23, a CASUAL listener to kpop, from Auckland, and we live alone with our cat named Apollo. boom, there's y/n. see u guys in the next chapter <3

Capturing a Moment (Rosé x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now