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Greyson's pov

I walk down into the kitchen where Blair is with bailey. 

I swear to god she loves that dog more than she loves me. 

Blair finally looks up from bailey and notices me. "Oh hey handsome" She smiles. 

"Hello mi amore" I give her a small smile in return. 

She blushes then goes back to bailey. 

"You got a letter in the mail today" Blair says while still playing with bailey. 

"Who was it from" I ask her. 

"I don't know. It said some one named Dominic" She says and my breath stops. "Its on the table there" She continues. 

I quickly pick it up and rip it open. 

I un fold the letter and start reading. 

Dear Greyson,

I know its late writing you this but I heard you've got a girl. The girl. Its all the mafia talks about. Your really making a life for yourself. A life I couldn't give you. 

You've been on my mind lately, you and your mother. I have news for you that I think you would be happy to hear. Its where I have been this whole time. 

 I just wanted to say that I'm proud of you son

Yours truly,

Dominic Hendrix. 

My eyes start to water but quickly turn to rage. 

My own father that I haven't seen or talked to since I was 17. The fucking bastard has the nerve to write me now. When I'm happy. 

Blair notices and just looks at me. 

"Every thing okay" She asks in a soft tone. 

My glance falls down to the ground. "No" I whisper "No It's fucking not" I raise my tone so I am almost yelling. 

She lightly jumps from the sudden change in my voice. 

Seeing that I have the power to do that to her makes the rage worse. 

I don't dare do that again to her so I storm out of the kitchen and outside the door. 

I walk straight up to my car. 

Blair comes out the door following me. 

"Grey wait" She yells after me. 

Her heart is to pure for my world of darkness. I don't want to shatter her with everything of mine. 

I look at her one last time then hop into my car. 

I take a moment to think before turning on the engine. 

She stops following me at the tops of the stairs. She just stands there looking at me. 

I drive out of the drive way. I don't dare look back. I know I would so easily turn around and I can't. 


I drive for hours. I lost track of where I was a long time ago. My mind is in the clouds. 

I don't even know where I'm fucking going. 

I'm suppose to be home with my girl right now watching movies and making her smile but instead I'm driving away from her and yet she has nothing to do with this. 

I pull into a random warehouse. I step out of my car and open up my trunk. I grab a wrench that's been in here since I had to go fix Alex's car off the side of the road. 

I close the trunk and walk into the warehouse. 

It's all empty except for junk that lays every wheres. 

I walk into about the middle and I just look around. 

I notice an old fridge knocked over in the corner so I walk up to that. 

Swing after swing I hit with the wrench, trying to get my anger out. 

I leave multiple dents in it. Big and small. 

I stop hitting it and take a deep breath. I prepare to go for another swing when my back gets heavy and a man jumps on me. I fall down to the ground with him on my back. I quickly turn over and rip him off of me and throw him to the ground. 

I get myself up off the ground and walk over to him. I left his head up off the ground and give him a punch in the face. 

Not long afterwards I get punched in the back from another dude. 

I turn around quickly to see 3 guys sanding there. 

I punch the first one and kick the other one. 

I try to punch the last guy but he dodges it. He swerves under me and punches me in the jaw. 

The guy behind me gets up and jumps up on back again. I quickly grab his arm and throw him off making him hit the other guy standing. 

The 2 form the ground stands up along with the other 2 

"4 against 1, seems fair" I mumble. 

I throw a punch at one guy but miss again. He kicks me in the stomach and my back hits the wall behind me. 

I kick another guy in the stomach and he falls back. 

I uppercut another guy then throw him to the ground by his shirt. 

As soon and I put the men down they get back up. 

2 of them come at me at once and I grab one in my arms and the other I try to punch. A third guy comes up and puts me in a choke hold. 

I try to break free but fail. He flips me over to the ground and my head hits the ground. 

I kick him from the ground and he goes flying back. 

I grab the wrench beside and hit another man in the head, knocking him out. He falls to the ground and blood starts to form around his head. 

3 men left.

"Come at me" I snarl at them and they do. 

All 3 of them come at me at once. 

2 of them grab each arm of mine. I manage to pull one of my arms out but it gets pinned back again. 

The third guy grabs the wrench out of my hand and starts hitting me in the stomach. I groan in pain each time. 

He hits me in the face and blood starts to come out of my nose. 

He continues to hit me until I can barely stand on my own. 

I don't need a mirror to know I am covered in my own blood. 

My eyes get heavier with each hit. 

A gun shot goes off behind us and the men drop me to the ground and go running. 

I except to feel pain of a bullet hitting me again but I don't.

I lay on the ground, to weak to see who it was. 

The person comes into view. It takes me a minute to make out who it is but when I do I am stunned. 

"Father" I mumble with my eyes slowly shutting. 

This was a fun chapter to write :)

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