"Thank you all for coming. As y'all know Daloni loves Spider Man, and I'm really glad he got to meet him today. If you guys want to give him any gifts he loves anything with Spider Man or trucks. He's getting tired, so y'all ain't gotta leave but y'all gotta get up outta here." Heaven said, thanking everyone for coming.

Some laughed, while others grabbed leftover food and cupcakes. Zylin ended the recording and started helping clean up. He had promised Heaven that he would take care of cleaning. He just wanted her to spend time with Daloni.

"Jay can you get him right quick?" Heaven asked. She seriously had to pee and if she held it any longer she would pee herself. Something she hasn't done since she was six.

"Of course." Jayda nodded, attempting to grab Daloni from Heaven.

"No." Daloni shook his head.

"Papa I'll be right back." Heaven told him, trying to hand him over to Jayda. Daloni shook his head and pointed to the bed. He wanted Heaven to lay with her.

Jayda did what she used to do with Angel and grabbed Daloni quickly so that Heaven could slip out of the room. Daloni only looked at Jayda and pointed to the door. "Mommy."

"She'll be back boo." Jayda nodded.

Daloni tried his best squirming out of Jayda's arms. His whines filled the room, resulting in her just putting him back in the bed. It was obvious he didn't like to be held unless it was by Heaven.

"Li man love Heaven." Zylin chuckled, sitting in a chair across from Daloni's bed.

"Hell yes, that's the only person he be wanting. I swear she saved his life." Jayda nodded, sitting next to Daloni making sure that he wouldn't fall out the bed.

"Believe it or not, I feel like they saved each other's life." Zylin shrugged. Daloni saved Heaven's life without even trying. The way Heaven treated Daloni was like he was her son by blood. Zylin was sure that neither one of them could live without each other.

Sharon peeked in the room with a small smile. "Somebody had a birthday party. Is there any cake or pizza left?" She asked.

Before Jayda could even respond, Heaven came up behind Sharon and scoffed. "No ain't nothing left." She stated. Sharon had big balls thinking that she would get any of Daloni's birthday food.

Sharon let out a bitter laugh and walked away.

"I'll slap her just for having the balls to think she was getting any of his shit." Heaven mugged, putting all of Daloni's gifts in one spot. She decided that they would open them later.

"Don't let her get to you, it's his day she don't deserve your joy." Jayda stated. She saw how quick Heaven had gotten and the last thing she wanted was for Heaven to get mad on Daloni's day.

Heaven nodded her head and attempted to pick up one of the heavier gift bags. Zylin and Jayda watched as she winced and tried to play it off. Heaven had refused the rib surgery. She wasn't having it until they allowed her to see Daloni. Once they finally did, she had said that she would schedule it for a later time.

"Stop, sit down." Zylin instructed, taking the bag out of her hand. Zylin didn't agree with Heaven on the whole surgery thing. In fact that had a disagreement because Heaven wouldn't listen. He understood that she was scared for Daloni, but he wanted her to realize that her health mattered too.

"When are you scheduling it?" Jayda asked.

"I don't know." Heaven shrugged nonchalantly.

"Well you need to do it quickly. How you want to be here for him, but won't have the surgery. If you don't have the surgery you and I both know what will happen so stop being stubborn and book the damn surgery." Jayda stated.

Jayda never sugar coated anything with Heaven. Whether she wanted to hear it or not Jayda always kept it real and raw. If Heaven needed to hear it, Jayda wasn't going to beat behind the bush.

"Fine, I'll book it Friday." Heaven mumbled. Jayda had a way with words with Heaven. Heaven always listened to Jayda, because Jayda never steered her in the wrong direction.

"Tired. Lay with me." Daloni whimpered, reaching for Heaven.

Heaven wasted no time getting in the bed with Daloni and letting him cuddle to her chest. "I talked to the lady." She stated, with a small smile.

"And what did she say?" Jayda and Zylin asked at the same time.

"She said we can start the process." Heaven grinned.

hey my loves

I know y'all was a little nervous from last chapter honestly I couldn't let my baby die. So we got some GREAT NEWS!! How we feeling about Daloni's progress?

Fyi: he still won't have a facelcaim until probably the middle part of the book!!

And before the annoying people come, some people do make big U-Turns in a day so don't come and say "That's not possible"

He made it to see his birthday, I think that's why I'm
more happy, he proved his doctors and that board wrong period!

Y'all think he enjoyed his party considering the fact that he still has to get his energy back?

Heaven even seems to be happier, don't y'all think?

Lol he accidentally spit on the cake i thought that was adorable..

So how we feel about Heaven denying the surgery? Is she being stubborn?

Did Jayda tell her what she needed to hear?

Last but not least, what y'all think Heaven's talking about ?? What lady did she talk to?

Expect a time skip next chapter!

vote and comment pls!!


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