Ch 18 - Liar. Liar. Liar.

Start from the beginning

"I don't care. Just leave Kallum alone, he's the only one of you I can stand." That was painfully true and the pain showed on Kole's face too. His jaw clenched, droplets of water from his wet hair sprinkled on broad shoulders.

"He is my warrior, my brother. I will reprimand him how I see fit."

"Right," I rolled my eyes again. "How terrible of him to let me walk around a locked bedroom with my hands free. I might do something crazy like kidnap a person and put them in prison and then...oh wait, that's what you did." I snatched the cuffs off the bedside table and snapped them on myself. "Happy?"

"Actually, I was wondering if the muzzle would be required again."

"Really? I thought those thoughts only appeared in your head when the elders put them there."

His green gaze blazed at me, furious. The warm wave slipped over me and I shuddered as his dominance slipped through my veins like thick syrup. I gritted my teeth, fighting it, but it was impossible.

"Submit, Iona." His voice was low, warning, seductive. How could he be both at once? I gave in, caving earlier than I needed to because showing weakness, small drops of cooperation, was smart. He rumbled, satisfied. "Better." He released a breath, releasing me from his hold. "I will deal with Kallum later."

He came to sit at the end of the bed, sighing he looked out of the window, the moon staring back at him. He looked tired, his expression weary but he was trying hard not to show it. I hugged my knees to my chest, watching for any sign that the beast might break out.

"What happened tonight, Kole?" I waited, wondering if he would tell me. Did I care about his distress? No. Did I hope he was about to tell me something useful? Absolutely.

"I attempted to broker peace with Alpha Carson."

"You met with him?" I raised my brows in surprise.

"I called him. I don't trust him not to plan an ambush if I arranged a meeting," he said and I nodded. That was smart.

"So, he wouldn't accept peace?"

"No, all he wants is power. He wants my title, my people, my land and nothing less."

"You wouldn't sign them over ever? Even if it saved your life?" I asked, curious.

"No. Even if I wanted to, I couldn't. The only way he can get them is through killing me." He gave me a wry smile. "There isn't much grey area in our life, Iona."

"I'm getting that." I nodded. We were silent for a while before he spoke, his words quiet in the dark.

"He's going to attack again, harder this time. I can feel it." The weight of those words hung like axes in the air, just waiting to be released and slice off all our heads.

"You're scared."

"I didn't used to be, not like this." He glared down at his clenched fists. "My wolves, they can handle themselves and besides, they're a part of this world, they understand the brutality of it. But're human."

"I understand brutality, Kole, and I can take care of myself."

He looked up at me. "You're still human...he'll eat you alive."

"I'm guessing you aren't speaking figuratively..." I took his silence as my answer. My stomach turned over as I couldn't help but imagine being torn apart by one of those giant wolves. The thought was truly terrifying. I moved on, trying to distract myself. "Why doesn't he just come at you full force? Why these smaller attacks?"

"He did once. Not long after I became Alpha he launched a full attack, taking all of us by surprise. He thought I was too green to lead and underestimated me. We obliterated him but I made the mistake of letting him escape. He's been building to it again ever since, waiting for his pack to grow after the loss of the last battle, waiting for mine to weaken as I had no mate. Now he knows you're here, he'll push harder before we're mated."

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