Ch 2 - This Was How I Died

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ATTENTION RADISH READERS! Please don't leave any spoilers in here or you'll be getting a spanking from Iona. Or Kole. Or Konnor. Whoever you'd prefer. 😘


They sat there, five sets of eyes trained on me, waiting for my reaction. Growing up in the care system had taught me many things. The most valuable one? How to put on a brave face. I wiped all trace of fear from my features and cleared my throat. These people thought they were werewolves? Okay. I can play that game.

"So, is this a silver bullets, light of the full moon kind of thing or...?"

"No." Jonah answered, "Silver bullets are just bullets and aren't likely to kill us unless we get shot in the head or the heart. As for the full moon, we can shift any time, though we are stronger when the moon is at it's peak."

"Right. Makes sense." I nodded as if I was mulling their madness over.

"She's taking this better than I thought." Dinah said to her husband. Good. Let them think that. I stared around the table, wondering how the hell I had walked into a house full of crazy people. This was what I got for picking up a stranded woman on the side of the road. I needed to get out of here.

I took a calming breath, I'd been in tighter spots than this. Figure it out, Iona. First stop, put some distance between me and them. I stood, not really sure what my next move was.

"You can't leave." That was Konnor. I swallowed, but didn't let my smile falter.

"Why exactly?"

"This is the part you aren't going to like." He looked at his father, as did I. My palms were sweating and I clenched my fists under the table as Jonah began to speak.

"Werewolves mate for life." He was right, I already didn't like where this was going. "We are split creatures, you see. Skin and fur, but our soul is split too and we cannot be whole until we have found our counterpart. When Kara came home after you had driven her into town, Kole scented you on her." He took a breath. "You're his mate." This was bad. This was really, really bad.

"Okay..." I swallowed, forcing myself to stay calm. "Do you mind if I use your bathroom? I really need a minute." Konnor frowned at me, all traces of earlier joviality gone. He was in soldier mode now, if that even was his job. Kallum cast a shrewd eye at me while Kara stared at her plate. "Please, I really just need a moment to process this alone."

"Alright." Konnor stood after a moment silent communication with his father, "The bathroom is this way." I took notice of every door and window as Konnor led me upstairs to the bathroom. Inside, I turned straight to the window, thanking the skies that it was big enough for me to fit through.

I pulled my phone out of my boot, thanking my upbringing for teaching me to keep my valuables hidden. No service. Great. I tucked my phone in my bra and studied the window. It had a simple latch that wasn't locked and swung out wide enough for me to fit through. I guess Konnor hadn't worried I might climb out from the second floor. I pulled my waist-length, black hair back into a pony and used a hair tie from my wrist to secure it. I kicked off my boots next, they would make climbing a drainpipe difficult.

"Iona, are you okay in there?" Konnor called through the door.

"I'm fine. I'll be right out." I fought to keep the tremor out of my voice.

"Can you let me in?"

"You want to watch me go to the bathroom?" I did my best to sound outraged and flushed the toilet to cover the sound of me opening the window.

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