Chapter Forty-Three: The Room with Historical Findings

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The next morning, Connor, Thomas and I all go to the Autumnwood Psychology Center. The drive there is very quiet, all of us looking out the window. After about 15 minutes, we come to a two story modern building. I whistle quietly.

"This is way less creepy than the asylum." I say.

"Really?" Thomas asks, locking his car. "It still creeps me out."

"It straight up looks like something from a sci-fi movie." Connor says as we are going in. The lobby is spacious, with cream colored couches and chairs that are against the walls and in the middle of the room. Behind the receptionist's desk, is a wooden wall with flowing water.

"I keep forgetting we're not in the 80's." I say then I turn to Thomas. "How does this still freak you out?" He shrugs.

"Bad memories, I guess." He says. The receptionists ignore the three of us as we walk through the frosted glass double doors to a tiled hallway. Thomas opens the door to his office, which is on the second floor.

"Information about the asylum should be on this floor somewhere." Thomas says. "You guys go ahead and I'll catch up with you after I'm done with work." Connor and I both nod and walk down the hallway, away from the office.

"Should we split up?" Connor asks me.

"Yeah, I think we should." I answer. "We'll cover more ground and get more information if we do." At the next fork, Connor takes a left and I go right. I walk aimlessly down the hallway until I pass by a room that says "Historical Findings." I curiously twist the brass doorknob open and step into a room with metal carts, boxes stacked on top of them.


This is the same room that Hailey and I went to when we snuck back into the asylum with Thomas and Ava. I wonder what they did with all the information that used to be here.

Knowing that the workers at the Whisperwood Mental Institute could still be alive, it's likely that they took all those boxes.

I scan the shelves, looking at the labels on the carboard boxes. This time, they aren't labeled with names, but with police and construction records, probably about the asylum. I take one box that has a question mark as the label and set it down on a wooden workbench.

Carefully taking the lid off, I take out files of papers, setting them down neatly on the table. One of the files reads, "Most Promising Patients" and I open it, curious. I skim through the files, stopping at a paper that has an unsmiling photo of an 18-year-old Thomas.

There's a few pages about him and I look through them. Apparently, the Whisperwood workers were planning to watch him the day he became part of the experiment. I flip to the last page and stop. The paper is crumpled and torn, which makes me wonder whether someone came back here and put this paper back in the file. I slowly and carefully read it:
Subject 37:

Name: Dr. Thomas Rowan King

Age: 33

Address: 5801 Firewood Dr, Sapphire Creek, OH

Occupation: Psychologist

Spouse: Sienna Abigail King

Age of Spouse: 31

Child A: January Elizabeth King

Child B: Savannah Aurabelle King

Age of Child A: 5

Age of Child B: 3

Threat Level: 8

Notes: He knows what we're planning. He is starting to fight back. Must terminate the subject.

My eyes widen from shock when I read the last sentence.

Must terminate the subject.

They never stopped watching him. Not only is he in danger, but his family as well. I take that file, put the rest of the contents back in the box and put the box back on the shelf. I hurry out of the room and race down multiple hallways, trying to find either Connor or Thomas.

I finally find Connor in a small room at the back of the second floor. He's looking at a big map.

"Did you find something?" I ask. He looks up at me and nods.

"I found this map." He says, showing it to me. The title of the map reads "Escape Plan."

"Escape plan?" I ask.

"It's the escape plan that the people at the asylum used." He says. "And I think I know where they went."


"How come you guys found more interesting stuff than me?" Thomas asks us. I shrug.

"I dunno." I say. "Luck maybe?" Thomas throws down a map of the old asylum on his desk.

"This is all I found." He says. "Not very interesting." Connor shows what he found, but I don't show the file.

"I found Whisperwood's escape plan." Connor explains.

"So this is where they went." Thomas says to himself, looking at the map. "The vision is slowly starting to come back to me." 

"We should probably show this to the others." I say as Connor rolls up both maps. "This could help us." Thomas gives his keys to Connor and he leaves, taking the maps with him.

"You okay?" He asks me.

"Yeah, why?" I ask.

"You never showed us what you found." I hand him the file. Thomas reads the entire thing, his face expressionless. He slowly closes it and hands it back to me. "I figured they never stopped watching me." He says.

"I think someone came back here and put this paper in that file. I don't know why though."

"I think you're right." Thomas agrees with me. "I met a woman at some nursing home, who seemed like she went against the work the Whisperwood guys were doing. Maybe someone else who was against him put it back?"

"You mean as a way to protect you?" I asked. "But who would do that?"

"I'm not sure." He replied. The two of us go silent for a few minutes.

"Thomas, you need to move out of your house." I tell him, after a while. "Your family is also in danger, not just you." He pinches the bridge of his nose.

"I know." He says. "But how am I supposed to tell Sienna this?"

"You'll find a way," I say. "You always find a way."

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