Chapter Twenty-One: I Wasn't Going to Lose Him

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I was already awake when my twin came into my room, but I didn't move or say anything until he was gone. I heard the slight creaking of the door, but I still didn't move or say anything.

I switched on my lamp and saw that there was a folded up piece of notebook paper sitting on my bedside table. I unfolded it and read the note, tears streaming down my face.


I wasn't going to lose him.

I got out of bed and changed out of my night suit into jeans, and a sweatshirt. I called Hailey and told her that she and Liam both needed to meet me as fast as possible, at the entrance of the woods. I didn't specify what happened, but Hailey said that she and Liam would meet me there.

I grabbed a flashlight on my way out and ran all the way to the woods. It was only a short distance, probably about a 7 minute walk, but my fear and adrenaline made me reach there in about 3 minutes. I doubled over, gasping for air.

I waited for my friends to come. I looked at my watch. Almost 10 minutes had passed. Were they going to come? Liam and Thomas's friendship was over, so I could understand why he wouldn't come, but I knew Hailey would. Someone would. It's been 15 minutes and I started to panic. I was about to start going into the woods by myself when I heard two people running in my direction.

I shined the light in that direction. It's Liam and Hailey.

"What's going on?" Hailey asked me. Every time I tried to speak, tears threatened to spill out of my eyes. I took out the crumpled note from my jacket pocket and handed it to Hailey. She and Liam both read it.

"Oh my god." Hailey said, shocked.

"No, no, no, no, no." Liam said to himself, as he read the the words.

"I'm scared." I said. "What if he's-" Hailey hugged me, then Liam.

"He's not dead." Liam reassured me.

"He's gonna be okay." Hailey added. "But we need to move fast." The two of them brought flashlights and together we hurried into the woods.

I wasn't going to lose him, I thought to myself. We're not going to lose him.

We couldn't and we wouldn't

And that's a promise. 

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