Chapter Fourteen: The Supernatural Club

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The Supernatural Club.

That's what we should be called now.

The Supernatural Club.

The name almost made me laugh as Thomas gently lifted the window pane and crawled through the window. He held the pane open as the rest of us climbed inside. All of us clicked our flashlights on, shining the lights right and left, the bright white lights illuminating the dark eerie hallway.

"Spread out." Thomas whispered. "Go in groups of two and see if you can find something. We'll meet here in an hour." Hailey and I went right, while Thomas and Ava went left.

I adjusted the strap of my backpack and shined the light on the walls.

"What are we looking for exactly?" I asked Hailey. She shrugged.

"I dunno." She said. "Something suspicious I guess." It's been around 10 minutes when we came to a tall black door. Exchanging a look with Hailey, I tried the doorknob. The doorknob clicked and I opened the door.

There was no one in the room, and there were metal racks filled with cardboard boxes. Hailey stepped into the room, closing the door behind her.

"Check the boxes." She said, going to the very right of the room, looking at the racks. "Maybe there's something here."

I started at the rack on the very left, the one closest to the door, and skimmed over the labels.

Adams, Allen, Anderson, Baker, Bell, Brown.

Hold up. These were people's last names. Did that mean there's a box with Thomas's last name? I searched the boxes for the letter K. I was at the third rack when I finally found it.


I took the box and put it on a wooden table beside the rack, against the back wall of the room. The moon wasn't enough to illuminate the contents of the box so I shined the flashlight inside. There was a stack of manilla folders in the box, some pages of white paper poking out of the folders.

I took the one off the top and looked through it. My heart started pounding when I looked through it. I flipped the pages faster and faster, skimming over the words.

No. This couldn't be happening.

I closed the folders, trying to forget what I saw in them. I couldn't let Thomas see this. He's already been through enough already. How would I be able to tell him what I just found out? I carefully hid the file in my backpack and looked through the others. I put two more files in my bag then put the cardboard box back on the rack and immediately left, trying to find Hailey.

I found Hailey looking through files from a box labeled Zimmerman.

"You find anything?" I asked and when she jumped, I apologized.

"Not really." She said, putting the file back into the box. "Do you think a file on Thomas is here?" I hesitated before answering.

I needed to tell her.

"Yeah. I found his files." I said, taking them out of my bag. "I think you need to see this." She looked through the files, her eyes widening.

When she was done, the only thing she said was:

"Oh my god."


I had told Hailey to lie to Thomas and Ava and said we found nothing. Thomas and Ava did find something while they were "investigating." They figured out that the asylum was working on a top secret psychological experiment. They were trying to experiment with the human mind and see what would happen if the subject was exposed to the supernatural environment, and if they could give patients "gifts."

I realized that the files I found about Thomas made much more sense, given the information that Thomas and Ava just told us.

But that was over two hours ago. Right now, Hailey and I were in the woods, close to an abandoned cabin that we along with Thomas and Ava had found and explored as children.

I built a small bonfire and I had the three files I took from the asylum with me. What Hailey knew was that we're gonna keep what we found a secret to protect Thomas. What she didn't know was that I secretly made a copy of the important information from those files, for my own little "investigation."

"Are you sure you wanna do this?" She asked, picking up the files. "What if we're making a mistake?"

"We're not." I said confidently. "We can't stress Thomas or Ava with this. Besides, we need to do more digging to see if this is actually true." She nodded. She still hesitated but she threw the files into the fire. We stared at the burning papers. The only thing I could see was an unsmiling picture of Thomas and a few lines that read:

Subject 187

Thomas King

Gift: Can travel through memories in time

I stared at three words as the files burned to ashes.

Memories in time....

Memories in time....

Memories in time...

The Psychological Mystery of Thomas KingWhere stories live. Discover now