Some bet - BangChan

Start from the beginning

It's been 2 weeks after Mr Bang have been teaching in your school. There weren't any sign of you falling for him yet so you think that you will win this bet.

After math class finished, you were in charge to help Mrs Kim with her stuff. After putting her stuff in her desk, you accidentally bump into BangChan.
"I'm so sorry, Ssaem" you 90 degree bow down to him.
"It's fine. You're y/n right?" He asked and point at you.
"Yeah" you reply.
"Great, can you come with me?" He ask and you agreed.

You follow him from behind toward his desk. He sat down and took out some paper then showed it to you. It was your  recent English paper. Your eyes widen when you saw the marks written there.
"You're in a smart class and I saw your marks in other subject. They were flying color but why you only got 10 in English?" He raise an eyebrow at you.
"I..." You went silent.
"You're in your second year of high school and I went through your last year English test and it wasn't good either. You only raise 3 to 4 marks." He state the fact.
"I'm sorry" you said embarrassedly.
"You're friends with 4 student in your class that have high marks in English." He said that made you drop your head.
"Stay back every day after school. I will help you improve your English" he said that immediately made you raise your head.
"What?! No..Ssaem, I can just ask the boys to teach me" you try to decline the offer but he was giving you a stern stare.
"Tell me, how long have you been friend with them?" He ask.
"Ever since first year of middle school" you reply.
"See, since then you been friend with them. Never once you have improving your English with those English genius. Let me help you and that is final. Choi Y/n" he said and you have to agreed with him.

School ended and they all were packing their stuff while you stayed put.
"Why aren't you packing up? You were always the first one to go when school end" Jisung ask.
"I can't. I have extra class after school end now" you said tiredly.
"What subject?" Felix ask with concern.
"English" Seungmin answered for you.
"How did you know?" Hyunjin ask Seungmin.
"Haven't you guys notice how bad her marks is on English subject?" Seungmin face palm himself..
"I remember she once got a 3 on her English" Jisung tap his chin.
"OMG!!! Now I remember! That was last year" Hyunjin laugh.
"Just so you guys know. I'm slowly planning how to murder you 4 at once" you treated them with a scary grin.
"Y/n, you're here?" BangChan ask and saw you are sitting at your place.
"Good. Now you boys can go home. Y/n, have some extra lesson to do" Mr Bang smile at them.
"Nae Ssaem! Good luck, y/n!" They bid your goodbye and left.

"I guess, that is for today" BangChan said.
"That was so hard!! Argh my brain!" You run your finger through your hair.
"That was only the basic. Tomorrow, I will teach it again. So you can relax abit for tonight" he reassure you.
"You did great today so keep it up, okay" he said and gently pat your head that heated your cheeks.

"Thanks Ssaem." You said and was about to leave but got stopped by BangChan hold onto your bag strap.
"Where do you think you're going?" He ask.
"Home?" You frown confusingly.
"I will give you a ride. It's already dark and you're my responsibility to take care since I made you study till late evening" he said and made you follow him toward his car.

You were about to sit at the back when he stopped you again.
"Sit infront, there is a lot of my stuff at the back" he said and you followed his order.

The ride was quiet and you were feeling abit awkward with the whole atmosphere.
"You wanna hear some song?" BangChan ask and you gave him a nod.
"I never heard such a song" you tilt your head.
"Because it's not a release song" he reply.
"Huh?" You ask with confusion.
"I actually produce this song" he said.
"Ssaem can do such amazing thing?!" You ask with shock.
"I once work as a free lance producer before becoming your teacher." He chuckle.
"Really?! Wow! That's really cool" you exclaim with amaze.
"You really think so?" He took a quick glance at you before focusing back at the road.
"Yes and these songs are amazing!!! Can you let me hear more of these masterpiece?. You ask while amusingly clapping  your hands.
"Sure. I'm glad it suit your taste" he smile happily.

Ever since that day, you actually have gotten more comfortable and closer around BangChan and it scare you. You remember the bet and also the situation between you and him. You're his student and he's your teacher, both of you will get in a big trouble if there is any love line happened between you both. You began to keep your distance from him and he unexpectedly notice it.

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