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Everyone cheered as they heard that from All Might, with all the hard work they put they were glad that it got good results.

"That's why I thought of doing another group activity. Since grouping you guys will take some time let's use the group we had back then." All Might said and everyone had no problems.

You didn't have problems also, after all the group was you, Hanta and Kaminari.

The two went to your table as instructed by the teacher. Denki sat on the chair beside you while Sero also pulled a chair and placed it on your other side.

All Might started to discuss how the lesson for today will be and all of you were excited.

"Wanna have some alone time with mister knows how to keep their emotions hidden?" Hanta whispered and you eyed him as he gave Denki a silly codename.

"I always have alone time with him, we spend some time together, platonically." Of course you didn't forget to add platonically since you know Hanta's going to say that Denki likes you again.

He scoffed because of that. "I know but you can have more alone time with him today. Doesn't it sound fun?" He whispered back.

"Why? What are you gonna do?" You asked and he didn't answer you so you were curious.

After explaining, you were instructed to go to the training area. Hanta was suddenly out of sight so you sticked with Kaminari who is also wondering where Hanta is.

"Wheres lover boy?" He asked looking around.

You almost scoffed at the name he gave Hanta. What's with these two buddies and them giving each other names?

"I also don't know, he disappearer suddenly."

"Let him, let's hurry up. I'm excited with today's activity!" Denki was full of energy as he pulled you by the arm as he skipped towards the training area.

The activity today is to reach the end of the room but the twist is it's full of dangerous stuffs that's why teamwork is important.

The activity is done by groups so Jiro, Asui and Iida's group were first to go. You watched how they helped each other cross the maze and it was hard you saw how your classmates' struggled.

"Epic fail." Someone beside you said, you looked and saw Hanta with a long face.

"Where'd you go?" You asked and he frowned.

"I was gonna excuse myself for today and told All Might my back hurts like a bitch so that you and Denki would be alone for today's activity but he brought me to the clinic and with just one kiss from Dra. Shujenzi, I'm all healed." He explained and you stopped yourself from laughing at his misery.

"All Might got you there." You commented and he laughed.

You learned some tactics from the first groups you watched, finally it was your turn.

"Let's just stick together, our quirks aren't that important here. What important here is our teamwork and tactics so we need to be careful to not get caught up on those traps." You said and the two nodded.

"I'll support you two with my quork just in case something happens so I'll stay in the back. L/N lead the way." Hanta said and you nodded.

With you leading the way. You faced some of the obstacles easily, with Kaminari blasting some electrocutions towards the robot enemies and Hanta pulling both of you and Kaminari with his tape when something appears in front of you two suddenly.

Overall it's been smooth.

Just a little longer and you know you're close to finishing the maze, when a sudden slime like creature appeared in front of you. No one expected that, out of panic you felt Hanta's tape wrap around your waist and pulled you the only thing you know is that your face is almost an inch away from Hanta as he pulled both of you with the same tape.

Your eyes widened because you didn't expect it and Kaminari was shocked as well. You can feel your cheeks heating up real fast because of the close contact. You didn't have time to react when the slim suddenly appeared beside you two.

You couldn't run because of the situation you're in and Hanta had a hard time pulling the tape since he was panicking also.

The slime growled and since you couldn't run, Kaminari hugged you and covered you.

In the end all three of you were covered in slime.

Well even if this is the day, oh and baby even on our worst nights, even if you get covered in slime as long as you're with Kaminari it's fine, then perhaps it's not gonna be the worst? What a lovesick fool you sound like.

"Mission failed successfully?" Hanta asked and you glared at him.


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