As time went by, she reached the episode where Luffy was almost close to defeating Gecko Moria. But at that exact moment, a notification popped up showing, 'Battery low- 2%'


Her eyes searched around frantically for her charger only to remember that the plug for it was way away from her bed, near a small table. After plugging her phone into the charger and placing it on the table, she looked towards her bed and then back to her phone. A groan of frustration left her.

"Whoever designed this bedroom was really just a big moron."

She cursed under her breath as she headed back to bed and plopped down on it. She had a lot of time to think of just changing the position of her bed, but Kei being Kei, forgot about it every time and kept procrastinating.

Well, I guess it's time for me to sleep.

She looked at the digital clock placed on the table beside her bed to realize it was already 2:00 clock. Remembering she had school tomorrow, she tucked herself under her blanket and went off to sleep.


Despite being in a deep slumber of sleep, she could hear some noises around her. The voices just sounded like some buzzing noise. At first, she didn't pay much attention to it.

But as she woke and paid closer attention to the voice, it sounded like the voice of a middle-aged guy. But Kei was damn sure she doesn't have any middle-aged guys in her house. There were even some background noises of........machines?

" It's finally here.... now .... on ..... government bastards. " she heard the voice say.

She still couldn't hear him properly which she thought was due to the dizziness from sleep. She tried to open her eyes fully, but couldn't because she couldn't feel any stamina in her body. She felt unsteady and her head was spinning as if she had just been on the world's biggest roller coaster.

Trying harder, Kei used all the energy she could produce and was finally able to take a little peep at the said person.

She saw two people. They were talking to each other but she couldn't see their faces properly as everything was very blurry. She blinked a few times to be able to see properly but it was futile.

She tried harder but finally, her body gave up and lost all the energy. Soon everything went black and Kei lost consciousness.

Despite hours passing, Kei felt as if she hadn't slept even for a minute when she felt someone tap on her face repeatedly, which she found annoying. With a groan, she slowly opened her eyes and saw the outline of a man in a lab coat but she couldn't see him properly as everything was still blurry for her. She rubbed her eyes in an attempt to remove the blurriness.

Wait...., what is he doing in my bedroom...?

While still laying down, the woman attempted to check her surroundings as her vision slowly came back. Though the realization that she was not in her room soon dawned on her. She still couldn't make out where she was because of the darkness and a dim light casting in the room from somewhere but that dim light was enough to make sure it was not her room.

"As you can see, you are not where you previously were. "As she heard the man in front of her say that, she looked at him."


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