Resolve and Solitude

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- Death -


"That's ten!" Confidently, I called out to Jade as I stood over the dismantled body of an ice golem.

Then out of nowhere, another ice golem wildly swung at me as I remained steadfast. Quickly, I moved my scythe to meet the huge frosty fist. In one swift motion, I cut through the golem's arm, half of the limb falling away as it crashed to the floor.

I readied my scythe, leaping into the air, slicing through the golem's chest. The upper half of its torso dropped to the floor, its crystal eyes fading to darkness.

Just as I was about to call out my next kill, the hulking body of an ice golem flew across my field of vision, crashing somewhere deep in the forest. I turned around, seeing Jade stood behind me, her samurai blade in one hand, a confident grin on her face.

"That's eleven."

At that moment, we both realised that we were tied. Only one golem stood between me and victory and I was sure that I wasn't going to lose here.

Quickly, I turned around, looking for the final ice golem. At the same time, we both laid eyes on the final victim, the golem a few hundred feet away from where we were stood.

"That's my kill Jade! I'm not going to lose to you!"

In a flash, I took off, darting through the forest as I closed in on the ice golem. But the midnight haired samurai was hot on my heels, leaping from branch to branch as we raced for the final kill.

Within seconds, we arrived at a clearing, seeing the towering golem just ahead of us. I raised my scythe, Jade raising her blade, both of us eyeing up the last enemy. We both leapt into the air, readying our attacks but before we could-

"Earth Seal: Thousand Ton Boulder!"

In the blink of an eye, the ice golem stood before us had been completely crushed under an incredibly huge rock that rivalled it in size.

Realising that neither Jade nor I had claimed the kill, we both landed on the floor, sheathing our weapons as a certain wine haired boy jumped down from the top of the boulder. There was a half smile on his face as he nodded in our directions.

"Guys! Finally!"

Aaron made his way over to us but before he could say anything more, Jade cut him off, "Hey, what was that for?"

Of course, Aaron was only confused by this, looking to me for help. I shook my head slowly, smiling at the two.

"We had a contest to see who would kill the most ice golems. And-" Jade cut herself off before she frustrated herself more.

Aaron looked to me before turning back to the midnight haired samurai, "Oh yeah? Who won?"

The moment he spoke up, I had to turn away to hide my smile, not wanting to laugh out loud while they were having a moment. Once everything had settled down, Aaron explained how we all got separated, telling us that we needed to regroup with Ariel at the base of Mount Zion.

At that, the three of us set off through Snowpine Woods, making our way toward the distant, looming mountain.


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