"But Sharon we haven't had drug tests in years." Jayda frowned. Jayda's last time smoking was a month ago, so she would probably be good, but she knew Heaven wouldn't be.

"I'm making them mandatory every five months, starting today." Sharon replied, looking dead in Heaven's face. Sharon was aware of Heaven's past of smoking, she was doing the test out of spite.

As she walked away, Heaven flipped her the bird. "That lady does not like me for some reason. I'm about to fail this damn test." She sighed, shaking her head.

"I'll pee for you. I'm about to see if I can go ahead and do mines, you need to try to be the last one so I can have time to drink water and pee again for you." Jayda stated.

"Jayda you don't have to do that." Heaven frowned.

"I know, but I am. If they ask you are you ready just tell them that you don't have to pee because you haven't been drinking water." Jayda shrugged.

"Thank you." Heaven pouted. Jayda was someone she could really call a friend. There hasn't been one time that Jayda has did or said anything grimey. She always had Heaven's back.

"No problem babe." Jayda smiled. She continued to her patient's room while Heaven walked back to the desk. Kyah was discharged, and her other patients were in the chapel. Well except for Da'Loni.

Before she knew it, her feet had guided her to his door. Her stomach was in knots just looking at the monitors he was connected to. His heart was pumping fine, but his brain wasn't doing so good.

Slowly sliding the door over, she took a deep breath and walked into his room. His crayons and coloring books sat on the nightstand while his legos and trucks were scattered around the floor.

Deciding to tape his coloring sheets to the wall, she made sure that every single one that had his name on it was above his bed. Da'Loni had just learned how to write his name, he couldn't spell it by himself only with the help of Heaven. If he spelled it himself he would spell

She allowed her legs to move to her usual side of the bed as she just stood there. "Papa I miss you." She stated.

"I know you're tired." She said as the tears welled up in her eyes. "S-So I won't be mad if you stop fighting papa. I don't want you to be in anymore pain. Okay?"

She wiped her face and grabbed his small and fragile hand. Even his fingernails started loosing it's original color. "You're the strongest person I know. Stronger than Spider Man. You're stronger than me. Stronger than anybody else. I love you so much Da'Loni."

She bit down on her bottom lip as tears uncontrollably ran down her face. "Mommy loves you." She whispered. Bringing his small hand up to her lips, she softly kissed it and put it back on his side.


Heaven's fingers wandered over her phone screen as she looked at her delivery order. Her fingers were dancing over the cancel button.

She had ordered over $500.00 worth of birthday presents for Da'Loni's birthday. Before he was intubated, she was sure that he would start feeling better so she kept the order. After she went in his room today, she had lost all of that hope.

"Nurse Bridges, do you have any memory of Da'Loni's social worker. We're trying to inform them on his condition." Doctor Grey, Da'Loni's doctor approached.

"She was white, black hair, looked to be in her forties or fifties, can't remember her name." Heaven mumbled.

"Can you pull up his visitor's log, maybe we can start there." He replied.

Instead of responding, Heaven locked her phone and typed Da'Loni's name in the computer. She clicked on visitors so that she could get him his information and leave her alone.

The only names on his list were hers from whenever she visited on off days and a Paulette Osgrove. She gave Grey her name and her contact information expecting him to leave right away.

"So how are you doing?" He asked.

"Fine." Heaven kept it short. She didn't have a problem with Doctor Grey, she just didn't want to talk to him at the moment. She wasn't in the mood.

"His birthday is coming up, it'll be some miracle if he makes a big U-Turn." He stated.

"What do you want?" Heaven asked now irritated.

"Just don't give up on him yet." Doctor Grey stated.

"You and this whole entire hospital already has, so don't tell me what to do or feel." Heaven snapped, standing up and walking away.

Doctor Grey frowned at Heaven's outburst. He didn't think he said anything wrong. However, he knew she was in an emotional state, so he brushed it off.

"What you said to her Grey?" Jayda asked, watching Heaven storm off.

"Nothing, just reassured her. Has she ever gotten a psych evaluation? You know with everything that's been going on?" Doctor Grey asked, making Jayda mug his side profile.

"She don't need no damn shrink. She's going through a tough time and the last thing she needs is for some man to tell her that she's crazy." Jayda snapped.

"Just a question, why y'all females be so snappy?" Grey chuckled.

"Because of ignorant men like you." Jayda mugged, bumping past his shoulder.

hey my loves

I know y'all been waiting for a new chapter, eleven is already pre written so I'll try to get that out today as well.

So at the beginning of the chapter we found out that Heaven's been avoiding Da'Loni room, would y'all have done the same?

We got a little more information about Jayda, turns out that she has a little girl. Y'all want a chapter with Jayda lifestyle?

So I know I wasn't the only one who was talking to a guy and disguised him as my "best friend" lmaooo.

Y'all think Jayda gave Heaven good advice regarding Zylin?

Y'all think love has a time limit?

Why y'all think Heaven struggle with being accepted?

How we feeling about Sharon's sudden drug test?

Jayda is a real friend baby, yall think Jayda feels bad for Heaven or just genuinely care?

Moving on into the middle of the chapter, Heaven decided to go into papa's room. I think she's officially lost hope, what y'all thinking?

Who thinks Da'Loni is going to make a U-Turn?

How y'all feel about Doctor Grey suggesting that Heaven needs to a psych evaluation?

vote and comment!! i really love reading yall comments.


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