18 - Jennette gone.

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  A week passed...

  Lucas still doesn't trust me with Jennette.

  But I feel like our bond is growing stronger.

  But it still feels like I'm walking on a thin line...

  One wrong move and everything I've slowly built would come crumbling down...

  My wolf...

  Is as good as dead.

  On the plus side.

  I no longer feel pain when Lucas and Jennette touch each other.

  But Luke still does.

  And it has only gotten worst.

  He vomited blood one time.


  Has disappeared.

  Like literally vanished!

  Last time I saw him was when I told him to not kill jenny...

  But I think the worst thing is...

  Jenny also disappeared...

  Alpha of blood moon and Jennette are still in our territory.

  I don't know how Ive managed to convince them to stay...

  It's better that they stay so that they can be protected should Aeternitas try and attack.

  Osmand has been trying to train the warriors.

  Helena's helping him.

  "Too much is happening..." I mumbled sitting by a tree and watching the warriors train.

  "Athanasia!" I heard Luke call me.

  "What's the probl-" A knife flew right at me.

  I side stepped.

  I've also improved on my strength , speed and agility by myself.

  Though I'm now where near how I used to be...

  If I didn't side step that would have landed at my heart area...

  Instant kill...

  I looked at Luke.

  I hadn't noticed...

  He was mad...


  "What's wrong?" I asked Luke walking towards him.

  "Your what's wrong!" Luke yelled another knife came flying at me.

  I only barely managed to doge it cut my left cheek.

  "Luke please! Tell me! What did I do wrong!?" I yelled taking out my whip.

  "I know you wanted your mate and so did I! But that doesn't mean you do this!" Another knife straight at me.

  This time I wasn't able to doge it so I used my whip to flick it away.

  'I don't get it...' I felt hurt...

  Luke never attacked me out of now where like Lucas did...

  "Luke explain! I don't get it!"

  "Stop acting dumb!"

  This wasn't how he normally acted...

  Even when the knife didn't hit me I still felt hurt...

  He wasn't trying to joke around...

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