Bonus - Author's Note

519 20 19

(Artwork by nattinatt2000)

If you have not finished this book, I recommend not looking here if you do not want to be spoiled about upcoming stuff!

Anyway, if you're here, you're probably wondering one thing.

Is there gonna be a third book? If so, when is it coming out?

The answer is (hopefully) YES, there will be a third book.

I'm thinking about taking anywhere between a month to a couple of months off so I can think out and plan the story.

I've already got a lot of it planned, so most likely the third and final book will come out in a month.

Six's fate shall be decided in the third book as well.

Anyway, here are some awesome people who are amazing and have given me like 99% of the motivation to continue writing!














Y'all don't realize how much motivation a single comment from you gives, and it means the world to me that you enjoy my writing.

Well, other than that... I guess that's it for now.

Until the third book.

(If I ever make it).

Forever - Mono x Six - Little NightmaresWhere stories live. Discover now