Chapter 17 - Lady's Quarters

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(Artwork by ArianeVass)

"Hey, wait a second!"

Seven called out to Mono and Six who were about to enter the elevator. They halted in place at the same time, turning around and facing him.


She shrugged, confused at why Seven had stopped them. He walked over to where they were, looking into the inside of the elevator, then averting his attention back to them.

"Remember how she saw us in the last elevator we took? What if she sees us again while we're taking this one and tries to kill us?"

Mono tugged at his trenchcoat as he looked at Six, who came to the same conclusion as Seven had.

"You're right... we can't take this elevator. We have to find another way to her."

"Or... maybe I can hide you two under my coat?"

Holding his arms out to the side, he spread his trenchcoat while Seven scratched his head in confusion.

"How are we both gonna fit?"

"You can turn into a nome, and I'll just carry you while Six hides next to me. Then, we just face the wall and do our best impression of a statue."

Six crossed her arms, a confused but excited expression appearing on her face.

"Well, let's try it. If our cover is blown, then we go for that hatch in the ceiling immediately. Got it?"

Mono and Seven nodded their heads in agreement and got ready.


Seven held his arms out to his sides before transforming into a nome, then Mono walked over to him and picked him up.

"Can you talk as a nome, or..?"

Seven merely shook his cone-shaped head left and right, creating a whirring sound as Mono put him under his arm, tucking the nome under his coat. Six lifted up Mono's trenchcoat and pulled it over herself, pulling the hood of her yellow raincoat down so it wouldn't obstruct Mono's vision.

"Get comfy, Six."

"Oh, you want me to get comfy?"

She scoffed, embracing Mono by wrapping her arms around him and pulling him toward her.

"What are you..?"

"You said get comfy!"

"Well, I didn't mean... fine."

He put an arm around her, his face going red as he did so. A little giggle escaped her as they waddled into the elevator, Mono carrying Seven under his shoulder while he had his other arm around Six.

"Why did I voluntarily choose to be in the middle..."

Six grabbed Mono's flashlight and threw it at the elevator buttons, hitting the floor that was directly below them. With a loud thud, the flashlight clattered onto the floor and began to roll around as the elevator took them downward.

"Okay, move to the corner..!"

Mono whisper-shouted, walking along with Six to the corner of the elevator. With their backs turned to the door, they crouched down and stood as still as possible while the elevator took them down to their destination.

"Now what..?"

"Now we wait."

Six impatiently scooted closer to Mono as he set Seven down on the floor, who was covered by his trenchcoat. Moon held the other end of the trenchcoat up with his free hand while Seven sat down on the floor, his cone-shaped head bumping into the wall behind him. The three were shrouded in complete darkness but could hear what sounded like clicking and snapping sounds coming from right behind them.

Forever - Mono x Six - Little NightmaresWhere stories live. Discover now