Chapter 2 - The Maw

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(Artwork by zZFabioZz)

The sound of wood creaking and the ocean waves was all Mono could hear for a moment as he felt his head resting on something soft. He slowly opened his eyes, immediately coming face to face with the same giant from before who was still rowing the boat they were in. He raised his head out of embarrassment after noticing he was resting on Six's shoulder.

"Please tell me she didn't see that..."

"Good morning, Mono."

Mono's eyes widened as he turned toward Six who was looking back at him. She closed her eyes as she yawned, putting her hands behind her head and leaning back.

"Uh... good morning..."

"You were talking in your sleep last night." 

He rubbed his eyes, nodding in response.

"Yeah, I... wait, I was?"

"I couldn't understand what you were saying, but I heard you say my name a couple of times."

"Oh... well, sorry I guess."

She stood up, peering over the side of the boat. Mono got up himself and looked out into the ocean, looking out in the water for any other boats or animals. He tried to think of what he was dreaming about last night, perhaps that could explain all of the talking he was doing in his sleep?

"Was I dreaming about Six? No, that's weird! Plus, I would've remembered it by now."

He felt like the dream was in the back of his mind, but he couldn't put his finger on what happened in it. Mono concentrated, desperately trying to recall what happened in the dream.

"There was... a... lady?"

Mono felt chills as a memory of a tall woman popped into his mind. They had long, black hair and a dark brown kimono. The most unnerving part to Mono was that she had a white mask that covered her face. Something about her appearance was terrifying to him.

"But that doesn't explain why I was saying Six's name..."

He tried to put the two together, thinking really hard until it hit him.

"What in the world...?"

Another image presented itself in Mono's mind, and it confused him more than ever. He saw Six dragging something along the floor toward the tall lady. They were in a pitch-black room, the only two things being illuminated were Six and the lady. Mono couldn't remember anything other than that single image, so he immediately tried to forget it, thinking it was just a little paranoid nightmare that he had.


Six whispered to him as she leaned over the boat.

"Do you see anything out there other than water?"

"No, not yet."

Mono turned to face her, whispering back.

"I didn't keep you awake the whole night, did I?"

"Hm? Oh, no you didn't. It didn't last that long."

"Well, that's a relief."

He watched a group of seagulls fly around in the distance as he tried to make some conversation to fill the awkward silence. The lady from Mono's dream was still in the back of his mind, but he tried to ignore it to the best of his ability. He watched the birds disappear into the fog as the sun disappeared into the cloudy sky overhead.

"Well, I'm gonna go back to sleep."

Six turned around and sat back down, leaning her back against the boat and closing her eyes.

Forever - Mono x Six - Little NightmaresWhere stories live. Discover now