Chapter 14 - Weakness

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(Artwork by Doragon)

"I should call the Janitor again... have him deal with the rat problem..."

"Why is she still talking to herself?!"

Seven watched from around the edge of the table leg he was currently hiding behind. The tall lady kept him stuck in place, unable to move to another hiding spot or another spot at all without risking getting caught by her.

"Wait, does me thinking to myself count as me talking to myself?"

He shook his head, ducking back behind the leg of the table.

"Maybe I'm just as insane as she is..."

The lady picked up the glass of wine, lifting up her mask very slightly. From Seven's position, he still couldn't see her face but watched her take a sip of the beverage, pulling her white porcelain mask back down over her face and clearing her throat.

"They must pay for what they have done... I won't let them get away with this..."

Seven felt a chill run down his spine upon hearing her disturbing ramblings. She ran a finger through her bun-wrapped hair, staring at the cracked mirror and humming a soft tune to herself.

"Can you go do something else already!?"

She stopped caressing her own dark hair, facing away from the mirror and hovering throughout above the ground as if she was a ghost, approaching a door on the other side of the room and turning the knob, pushing it open and not bothering to close it as she disappeared into the next room.

"Thank you! Jeez..."

Now Seven had some time to snoop around, but he had to be quiet, otherwise he would immediately give his position away to the lady's keen ears.

"What was she looking at exactly?"

Carefully tiptoeing across the wooden floor, he snuck over to the desk that the lady was previously slouched over. Hopping up onto a nearby chair, he jumped onto the table, being careful not to knock into the glass of red wine the lady had poured for herself.

"So... what do we have here..?"

Various pages of topics Seven didn't understand was what he saw displayed in front of him. Several pieces of paper were scattered all across the desk. He looked on in both awe and confusion as he tried to make sense of the files, but he couldn't understand a single one.

"What in the world... 'The Nest?' Looks like a floating island to me..."

Sifting through the pages, he came across one that piqued his interest.

"Huh... 'Pale City.' Sounds pretty deadly."

Holding it up to his face, he was surprised to see an image of a tall tower with a bright light shining from an antenna attached to the top of it.

"So cool... that must've taken ages to build."

Setting it down, he made a pathetic attempt to scoot the papers back into their original positions before lowering himself off of the desk, gently landing on the floor and looking at the wide-open door, the tall lady awaiting him on the other side.

"She's gotta have a weakness... everybody's got one!"

It appeared that the clue to her weakness was all around him: the shattered mirrors that were lined up against every wall in every room. But it seemed too simple and blatant to him, an enemy as ferocious and unstoppable as the lady was afraid of her own reflection?

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