Chapter 15 - The Plan

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(Artwork by Gabowook)

"I'm not joking, I swear when my father was showing me all of those alternate timelines, I thought I saw one where I was a girl!"

"Are you serious?!"

Six's jaw dropped to the floor as Mono nodded.

"Yeah, I had really long hair and a dress on... I think you were there too..."

"Was I a boy?!"

"I couldn't tell..." Mono frowned. "I only saw it for like... half a second."

Six sat in front of Mono who hugged his knees as he retold a story to her. They patiently awaited Seven's return, spending the time hanging out with each other.

"Did you see any other timelines?"

"Uh... well, other than the mech suit one... aw, I can't remember any other ones..."

"Dang, oh well. That's weird to think about..."

"What is?"

"That there's a version of you that's a girl out there!"

Six's eyes widened as Mono laughed.

"I dunno, I might've seen it wrong... but damn that would be so cool!"

"Yeah, really damn cool!"

She laughed along with him, leaning back against the wooden wall and letting out a sigh.

"The heck is taking Seven so long?"

"Hm... I hope he didn't find an exit and decided to leave without us."

"Nah... Seven wouldn't do that to us... I hope..."

Six was tempted to go outside and look but decided not to.

"Well, at least while we wait for him I can spend time with you, Mono! You know... alone?"

"Yeah... I guess."

Mono was getting a little concerned, his eyes dropping down as he thought of where Seven might be.

"God, I hope that tall lady didn't get him... it'd be my fault that he died..."

"Wanna go look for him?"

His thoughts were interrupted as Six sat up, getting onto her feet and reaching a hand out for him.

"Eh, it wouldn't hurt to take a look-"

The sound of very quick footsteps was heard outside, along with the familiar whirring of a nome. Six and Mono quieted down as she motioned for the two of them to crouch down. She peeked her head out from the hole in the floor and immediately gasped.


She motioned for Mono to peek out along with her, which he immediately did. Seven limped, letting out a sigh of relief as he held his shoulder.

"Oh thank goodness... I finally found you guys..."

"What's wrong? What happened to your clothes?"

Mono questioned as he examined the scratch marks that covered his blue shirt. Seven gestured toward the two.

"I got a lot to tell you guys..."

Six and Mono moved out of the way as Seven lowered himself down to their level, wincing a little as he did so.

"So... what in the world happened to you?"

Six looked at him with both relief and worry as Seven put his hands on his knees, catching his breath.

Forever - Mono x Six - Little NightmaresWhere stories live. Discover now