part 12. coming back home

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*one week later*
*Bettys POV*
We're going home tomorrow but I don't wanna leave, but also I wanna see the kids. We are seeing more parts of the city and hopefully we get to see the Eiffel Tower.

We got to the Eiffel Tower and its much more beautiful in person. B:"I can't believe we're leaving tomorrow." I wine. J:"yeah, this place is beautiful, just like you." He smiles, making me smile. B:"well I thinks its much more beautiful than you." I smile at him and he starts to chase. B:"no, Juggie!" I say as he pulls me by my waist and starts tickling me. B:"stop, Juggie!" He stops. J:"ok." He pulls me in and kisses me. J:"how about we go back to the suite?" He says with a smirk. B:"I would like that." I say smirking back at him.

We get back to the suite and sit on the bed. B:"you know when we get back we won't have alot of alone time anymore." J:"yeah I know, but well figure that out, but right now we have alot if alone time he smile and pulls me on top of him. I pull off his shirt and he pulls off mine. And well you know what happens next.

*the next morning*
I wake up and Jugheads not in bed. He comes in the room. J:"brought you breakfast." B:"thank you babe, not right now, I feel kinda sick." As I say that, I run into the bathroom and throw up. Jughead runs in holding my hair back. J:"are you ok?" B:"yeah I think its something I ate last night." J:"or maybe your pregnant." B:"yeah, don't get your hopes up, I can't get pregnant." J:"but maybe there's a chance." B:" alright, ill take a test, but I'm not getting my hopes up." We go to a store and by some pregnancy test. When we get home I go to the bathroom and take the test. The test is early response, so even if its early it will tell. I come out of the bathroom and sit on the bed next to Jughead. B:"we have to wait like three minutes or so." J:"ok, and if your not im here ok, don't hide your feelings just talk to me, ok." B:"ok."

*3 minutes later*
B:"ok, on three, one." J:"two."
B and J:"three." I turn the test over and I just cry. B:"negative, why me?" I say crying on Jugheads shoulder. J:"its ok, im here for you, ok, I love you." He says hugging me tighter. B:"I love you too." I say and then kiss him and pull away. J:"we can keep trying, if that's what you want." B:"there's no use. We had unprotected sex multiple time in this week and I'm still not pregnant." J:"yeah, but there still could be a chance." B:"I don't know Jug." J:"please don't give up." B:"ok, thank you." J:"of course baby." I kiss him again.

We pack up and get to the airport. We are in the plane. B:"omg, I don't know if I'm ready to sit in this plane for hours." J:"I know, me either." I text Veronica and tell her that I heading home and I want to see her and talk about the trip.

We get home around 7PM and Emily was waiting at the door, thats what Veronica tells me. We open the door and Emily runs to me, I put my arms out and pick her up. E:"mommy, daddy your back." She finally said mommy again, it feels better than what I has feeling this morning. B:"yes, I missed you, baby." J:"we both did, where's Jasmine?" V:"she's in her room." J:"oh, ok, im gonna go say hi to her." B:"ok." V:"yeah, take your time, I gotta tell B something." J:"ok." That has me confused and worried. V:"Emily, sweetie, can you go play in your room?" E:"I want mama Betty." She frowns. B:"baby, since your dad is back too, go ask him to play with you." E:"ok, mama betty." She skips away. V:"ok, speaking of that, please don't like freak out in any way." B:"ok, I won't, tell me because right now all I'm doing is worrying." V:"ok... Im...pregnant." she says as she walks away. B:"congratulation
selfish baby haver!" V:"I'm sorry it just happened we we're gonna wait until we got married but well you know." B:"well I'm happy for you." V:"yeah, but after the baby come we are going to get married, when we have the time." B:"thats good, and I'm going to be there for you, every step of the way, ok." V:"yeah, of course." Jughead comes in. J:"what did I miss?" B:"Veronica is pregnant." I said looking at him kinda sad. J:"I know you sad about this morning, but well keep trying, and have fun doing it." He says smilling and pulling me by the waist. V:"first of all, TMI and second of all what happened this morning?" B:"so I was feeling sick then I went to the bathroom and started throwing up, I didn't think to much, I thought maybe I ate something bad but then Jughead told me that I might be pregnant and I was telling him not to get his hopes up but he convinced me to get a test we got a test and took it and got my hopes up a little bit to find out that I'm not pregnant." V:"I'm sorry,B." B:"its ok, V, there's nothing you could do." V:"maybe there is." She said looking at me. I didn't understand what she meant and then it clicked. B:"no, V, im not gonna take your baby, I can't do that, that baby is yours and the way you could help me is to just let me be there for you." V:"ok, B, oh and I'm about 3 months pregnant." B:"why didn't you tell me earlier?" V:"because I didn't know until after your wedding." B:"ok."

1051 words not including this

Hoped you enjoyed this part.


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