eighteen; vitriolic

Start from the beginning

"Bonnie... get...out of here," spluttered Damon. 

Bonnie smiled sadly. "I'm not going to make it. But you are." Lilith looked wide eyed as Bonnie muttered, "Motus."

Kai was flung away from Damon just as Lilith reached Damon, her hand on his shoulder. Suddenly the two were levitating in the aair."Don't!" Shouted Kai, watching as Lilith looked around wildly.

She could hear the clicks of the Ascendant but her eyes were on Kai, his eyes were on hers, pain so clear in his brown orbs. She was scared. She was meant to leave with him, not with someone else.

Then there was a flash of light and Kai disappeared from her sight.


The two were dropped down into the woods, just exactly where they had been before, just above the ground. The two of them groaned as they hit the ground, Lilith clutching her head in pain whilst Damon stood to his feet.

"You," he growled. "You leave, you never come near me again," he pointed to her, watching as she stumbled to her feet.

Lilith didn't answer, it hurt too much, everything hurt. She heard him blur away and was left alone in the darkness. Soon the pain began to subside, letting her stand straighter. She lifted up her shirt and saw that the brand was back to being visible. The emptiness she felt before had disappeared.

She wandered through the forest, the bitterness of the wind biting at her bare skin. She wrapped her arms around herself as much as she could, her teeth chattering whilst her eyes flickered around the forest every time a noise was heard. Her feet crunched among the fallen leaves, grass blades tickling her bare ankles. She wished she had never worn the knee shorts Kai had picked out for her.

She bit her lip nervously as she heard something akin to laughter from behind her. Her heart began racing, pushing her to walk faster, she soon saw a road ahead of her and sighed out in relief. The road was just as dark as the forest but she felt some sort of safety from it.

She began walking in a random direction, vaguely remembering the road as the one herself and Kai had walked down. It was either to or from Mystic Falls town.

She thought of Kai, she thought of Lucifer, she thought of Gabriel, even Damon, Bonnie, the Gemini Coven, she thought of everyone. All built up emotions then poured out of her, she cried as she walked, she screamed out in anger, she cried again, she laughed before she felt calm, she felt peaceful.

"You lost?" Lilith looked up from the ground, slowing down to a stop. She looked around her, she had reached Mystic Falls, she was almost in the square. "Ma'am." She looked over her shoulder and saw a young woman, looking at her with worried eyes.

"Yes, I am," said Lilith, rubbing her arms.

"Do you need a ride home?" The woman asked, stepping closer cautiously.

"I don't have a home, I was ditched a mile up the road by the woods, they left me here," lied Lilith. She had to lie if she needed food, water and a place to rest. That's what Kai taught her.

The woman's mouth dropped open. "Would you like to stay with me for the night, you can call someone whilst you're at mine," she offered.

Lilith was surprised. Why were people still so open, generous and willing? "Uh, that would be wonderful, thank you," said Lilith, her tone and words were genuine.

"Come on then," said the woman, smiling politely. "I'm Charlie by the way," she said as they walked.



Two days later Lilith had finally situated herself with a cheap hotel whilst she had acquired a job at one of the bookstores in the town square as well as a waitress in one of the busiest coffee shops. She was currently saving up for a flat, she had already found a few roommates but they were still uncertain.

She had found a friend in Charlie and would meet her up for coffee and hot chocolate. Today was no different but this time, Charlie had to get off. "I have to go back to college later today," said Charlie.

"College, where?" Asked Lilith, her eyes wide.

"Uh, Whitmore's? You never heard of it?" She asked, cocking her head. "Are you interested, because I could totally use a roommate."

Lilly nodded her head energetically. "Sign me up," she exclaimed.

Hours later they had arrived at Whitmore's College, Lilith helping Charlie carry their stuff into her room. "You can apply tomorrow, I think for now I can show you around?" She offered and Lilith nodded happily.

And so Charlie showed her around, until Lilith stopped, her eyes widening in shock. "Damon," she whispered, seeing the blue eyed vampire spot her from the otherside of the campus. He nodded his head in a direction discreetly.

"Hey Char, I'll be right back," she said to Charlie who nodded, now with some of her own friends. Lilith ran off, following Damon as he lead them away from the college students.

"What are you doing here?" He asked, anger in his voice. "I thought I told you specifically to stay awa-"

"And I did, I had no idea you would be here," she said, cutting him off. "I just want a taste of normal life Damon, one without Kai, trust me, I don't really like this either. I mean especialy after you ditched me in a forest I have no idea about and had to walk 'home' in the cold."

Damon glowered at her with pursed lips. "Fine, but don't you cause any trouble for me," he said, prodding a finger into her chest. She hissed out in pain and rubbed the area.


"Good, now have a great day," said Damon with a false smile, patting her on her shoulder before brushing past her.

Lilith stared at the rose bush opposite her, her hand still rubbing the area. "Get out soon Kai," she whispered.

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