Chapter - 36 Surprise

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Serena POV

"How many more hours?" I asked getting frustrated. The blind over my eyes was annoying me to the core. There was no sound. Nothing. It was so frustrating!

"You have blindfolded only two minutes ago, Serena." Nixon chuckled. True, was blindfolded two minutes ago but we have been traveling in the car for hours. I groaned and pouted hoping he will tell me where we were going.

"You know I hate waiting," I whined. My patience was not on good terms with me for the past few days. After getting treated like a newborn for two freaking weeks, I am so done. 

"But you sound way too happy to be blindfolded when I told you about the surprise." He teased. I moved my leg around to kick him. I smiled pleased when I hit him. 

Yea, I did. Was so excited an hour ago.


"I love you." Nixon whispered. We lay there naked. We were perfect together. Fit like a puzzle piece just made for each other. Nothing was more perfect than being in his arms.

"I love you." I whispered and a content smile found my lips. 

Will - no Ronan was gone. He didn't tell me where and when. He just disappeared. Like dust in the air. At first, I was worried. He wasn't behaving like himself. Not the playful himself. After meeting him that day I was confused as fuck. Will's name is Ronan. What the fuck?  

"Tell me something about your mom." I spoke to Nixon. He pulled me closer.

"She was a good woman. She protected us. Even though she was the one in danger. She didn't talk much but she knew everything. When my father sold her, she protested and ended up in the hospital with brutal wounds. That was when I understood." I turned around to him.

"I stood up for the first time against my father. He beat me up to a pulp the first time and my mom lost it. She pleaded with my father and agreed to obey him just to save me. I begged her to run but she didn't. She sang s to sleep every day, her voice sweet and peaceful." He looked down at me. The vulnerability in his eyes kicked in the gut.

"I wish I had met her." I said. He smiled.

"She would've loved you." He leaned down and pressed his lips to mine.  I kissed him back but he pulled back quickly. I frowned at him.

"Let's get ready. I have somewhere to take you." He said, pulling me up in his arms. He carried me to the bathroom.

"Where?" I asked, staring at my husband in amazement.

"Somewhere." He shrugged with a grin.  My lips smile stretched into a wide smile. 

"Surprise?" I asked excitedly, my eyes wide, staring at him.

"Yup." We went in and took the longest shower in the world.


"Can I take off my blind now?" I asked. I heard the car come to a stop. The engine died and the cloth covering my eyes was removed. It was dark. Nixon's face glowed in the moonlight. Trees surrounded us.

"Is this the part where you tell me that you never loved and kill me?" I asked, trying to look through the dark. Nothing but trees. Perfect murder spot.

"You think so?" He asked, getting out of the car.

"Trust me, even if you kill me I am going to stay with you as a ghost and make your life a living hell." I warned. He came to my door and opened it like a gentleman.  

Ruthless Souls       (Ruthless Series # 1)  |✔|Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora