I'm an idiot

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I was sitting on my usual window, the one that blew me out, but don't worry it was totally Garroths fault. I ripped out the designs for Izanas wedding suite and hopped off the windowsill and pinned the designs on the board then looked through my sketchbook for more drawings. Then it hit me, the inspiration, it totally was because Mitsuya kissed me yesterday. It was just a sudden thought as I grabbed a pencil and started jotting down ideas.

By the time I had started on my third sketch of my idea some of the girls were already entering. They smiled and waved as I gave them a nod and smile before continuing. I had finished the final sketches. It would have taken less time, but I had also designed how and who would be assigned what seats and where it would be. I had even put down who would be my bridesmaids, and yes, I may be a boy but I wanted bridesmaids. I also had done a quick sketch of my face and hair and was going to do Mitsuya as well then realised I would rather have his face to copy from. I hopped up from that chair and shuffled around, searching for colour tabs and fabric pieces. As I stepped away from the cupboard that I had found my necessary items, Garroth struck again, closing itself and taking my head with it. "Jesus Crikey!" I yanked my head from the door and huffed back to my window, just as he walked in. I would like to say I was calm, cool and collected and totally didn't completely miss the windowsill as I tried to hoppe up. I lay on the ground, dazed as mini Mikeys danced around in front of my eyes.

Before I knew it Mitsuya was leaning over me with a concerned look on his face, he also had a slight blush dusted on his cheeks, now when I said we kissed, it was more of a heated make out session. My chest and stomach were floating with butterflies as he reached his hand out to help me up as I grabbed it and hoisted myself up. I avoided eye contact and hurried for the door. Before I sprinted down the hallway and out the hallway and back to Mitchy's house.

I slammed the door behind me, heaving out large breaths. I stormed up the stairs, yanking my door open and slamming it behind me again. I face planted down on my bed and stayed there till I fell asleep.

After that I didn't leave my room for five days, I ignored texts and occasionally opened my door to see food as I snatched it up and locked the door again. I also ignored Mitsuya.

It was the fifth day when I heard a knock. I sighed before opening the door. It was the evening and Mitchy stood outside my bedroom door as he stared at the floor as he stumbled along his words "I um was wondering... If you want to talk, because I'm worried..." I sighed but I smiled before dragging him, locking the door behind him as I climbed out my window, looking at him and waving at him to follow.

It was a struggle to get him onto the roof, him Being clumsy. As we sat down next to each other watching the sunset. As I started the conversation. "Y'know how flustered you'd get and still do when Mikeys around-" he went red as I sweat dropped "-well that's what's going on... And I - I think he hates me-" tears slid down my cheeks. Why was I even thinking about this matter! It's not like I'm y'know, well in love with him or anything!! It's not like I'm drowning in his eyes or wanting to kiss him or hold him or... Or!! GOOD LORD I AM IN LOVE!!! I turned to Mitchy "I AM IN LOVE!!" His mouth dropped little did I know all the captains including Mitsuya were listening as I stammered. "I DON'T KNOW I JUST.... I JUST-" I made random hand gesture before standing up and walking along the roof as the captains continued watching with their mouths open " I just wanna be able to kiss him without being questioned, I wanna love him with all my heart-warming" I looked at Mitchy and he was crying so I started crying and sat down as he sat down next to me as we both sobbed our eyes out.

~Do you wanna know? ~ (Tokyo revengers x ma!eOC)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt